chapter 2

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I woke up, the sun in my eyes. Wait, I don't smell my mom's pancakes.  Then I turned over, now I realize why I Don't smell them. Im not in my huge bed back home in Houston. Im in a  the hotel room in Virginia. Oh well, next week I'll call my parents and let them know Im okay.

    I leaned over and kissed Donte before I got in the shower. The water was steaming, it felt good. My stomach hurt though. It felt like someone just opened me up from the inside.

     I stepped out the shower and grabbed two towels, I wrapped one around my head, and the other around my body. I dont know how long we'll be staying here, so I might as well get comfortable.

    First, I started to pick up all of our clothes from last night. I was quiet, so I wouldn't wake him up. Shit, I still haven't unpacked, Oh well I'll just take out whatever I wear. I pulled out the two suitcases full of my shoes. "Hmmm, what do I wanna wear?" I whispered to myself. I grabbed my Laney 5s and a white crop top with some blue jean cut off shorts. I knew he'd be all over me with this on. I let my curly hair fall down behind me. No makeup today, I'd just paint my nails royal blue to match. I lotioned down my smooth orange tinted legs, being mixed with Puerto Rican, Black, and Italian had it's advantages. I dabbed some Cuban perfume on, and went to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator to see what was inside. Damn, where the fuck is all the food? Oh well, I guess he got a plan.
     When I went back into the room, he was already in the shower. I made up the bed, and grabbed my black Versace purse to make sure my stash was still there. Yep, just as I expected, $3000 cash in an envelope taped to the bottom of my purse. I put the bag back at the bottom of my purse, just as  Donte stepped out of the shower. His body glistened, I kept staring, right down to his towel that was hanging a little too low. He caught me staring and started laughing. "Whatever bighead." I laughed it off. "You know you like it, baby." he said unwrapping his towel. As he got dressed, I put on some clear lipgloss.

         "We're eating breakfast at my aunt's house, she's going to try and help us get an apartment." he announced. I was a little shocked, no one knew about the money I had yet. "Pack your things, we're checking out, she'll be here in a minute to pick us up." he continued. No problem for me, I already had everything packed. He came over to me, and just hugged me. He didn't even have to say anything, I already knew what he was thinking. A year before, we would never think we would come this far. We just stood there, holding each other, until the phone rang. It was his aunt. She was ready. Donte helped me carry my things down to the lobby. I noticed that he only brought an overnight bag. When we got outside, his aunt was waiting. We loaded my things in the back, and headed to her house in Virginia Beach.   

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