Coolest Billionare

613 23 21

Annabeth: *wipes away a tear* hi guys.....

Peter: you've been crying

Annabeth: no I haven't!!!

Peter: fine, fine, whatever you say.

Annabeth: *sniffles* so....w-what's the award this time?

Peter; Coolest Billionaire.

Annabeth: who won?

Peter: it was a close call, but Tony Stark did.

Annabeth: oh.

Bruce Wayne: NOOO!! I should've won!! You know why?

Superman: because your....


Superman: *faceplams*

Tony: *walks up* make this quick! I have to go soon.

Peter: fine. What's it like dating Pepper?

Tony: hard

Annabeth; what's it like being Iron Man?

Tony; awesome, yet hard.

Peter: an Avenger?

Tony: awesome, yet hard

Annabeth: I think that's all the questions we have.

Tony: cool. *flys away in his suit*

Peter: show off.

Annabeth: the next award is best Ninja from Ninjago. The nominees are all of the ninjas from Ninjago.

Peter: and our guest host is @Nman1234

Annabeth: cause he gave us this award.

Peter: oh, yea. I forgot.

Annabeth; *bottom lip trembles* much...m-much like HE DID!!! *starts sobbing*

Peter: okay, anyway. If you give us an award (don't worry, all awards will be used at one point) you will get to be a guest host!! And if you give us more than one, then we will simply have a hero as a guest host. Simple right?

Annabeth: *sobbing*

Peter: uh....see ya next time!!!


Peter: fine, I'll say it. On the hero awards. Bye!!

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