Ch 3: Punishment

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Things were extremely quiet once the Angelo's had left. The Winchesters just stood there and watched as they disappeared in the distance. Sam and Dean were still rather shocked at what they had just discovered. It was several minutes before any of them said anything; they were so lost in thought about the strange events that had just unfolded.

"So, shall we, the old Bradley is buried in the back yard, the key for the fence is inside... Hey, Dean, you listening? ...I'll get it."

Dean stayed still, not even noticing that Sam had left.
It quite shocked him, this new knowledge he had accidentally acquired today. He would have never guessed that Castiel and Gabriel were gay.

Gabriel is the school's troublemaker. Last term he blew up the bloody swimming pool, and at last year's homecoming he flooded the bleachers with green goo just to get back at his older siblings, Michael and Luci, for getting into a fight that disturbed his beauty sleep.

And Castiel, well... to tell the truth, he didn't really know much about him. Cas was a quiet person who liked to stay alone in a corner at lunch, reading. Dean had only talked to Cas once before and that was what got them all into this mess.

But to that later, now we go over to the major's house.

When they arrived at the house, their father called a family meeting in the living room. Cas straggled behind; he was certainly not looking forward to this.

Once he did make his way into the vast and luxurious living room everyone required was already gathered there. Castiel's family was a rather large one. Oh who am I kidding it is bloody huge. Eight children, eight!
Although only three, aside from Castiel and Gabe, where necessary at this particular meeting.

Castiel sat down next to Gabriel, who inched his chair always from him, and looked up to his brother and sisters.

"Why don't you two tell us what happened?"

"THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT! HE, he told the Winchesters about the thing that I discussed with you, Dad!"

"It was an accident" Castiel retorted.

"Oh sure, 'accident'."

"Well, if I am not very wrong, this whole thing stared with you telling me to stop staring at Dean while you were practically tearing Sam's clothes off with your eyes!"


There was a quiet clearing of the throat heard from the other side of the table and the two brothers sat down, although Castiel could not quite remember standing up.

"I believe that should be enough talking and explaining on your part. It should also be mentioned that Gabriel then tackled and choked Castiel and that this was all caused by the Winchesters asking them to join them in an adventure. Michael, Luci, Anna: it is time to make decisions about the punishment, or else a decision on if one is required."

Castiel never understood why Chuck had to punish them in this fashion. It was humiliating having to relive the things he had done wrong in front of his perfect siblings, but perhaps that was the point of this all.

Or perhaps, Chuck was putting his children to use in this way to attempt to copy the criminal court in the best way possible, and they were acting as a jury. It is practically the same thing.

After several agonising minutes of awkward silence, waiting as the three finished their discussion in the other room, the verdict was release from its captive state in the minds of the jury.

"Okay so we have decided that, Cas, because you told those Winchester boys about... you know," Anna gave an all-knowing head tilt towards Gabriel, who just rolled his eyes, "you must do a sincere and totally outrageous speech about gender equality and homosexual rights for your English assignment. And Gabe, you must abstain from looking at, talking to, or by any other means communicating with Sam Winchester, for your crime of nearly strangling our little darling brother."

"For how long is this supposed to last?"

There was a short silence while the three looked each other, and then Luci ceased the word:

"One month"

Castiel thought this was a reasonable punishment, but Gabriel's jaw just dropped. He looked absolutely terrified.

"But I was going to ask him to prom. You can't ruin this for me!"

"Well you can go to prom with him and talk with him there, but not before. So I suggest you find another way to ask him."

Luci could be so cruel when she wanted to, so cruel. The meeting was dismissed and everyone left – rather, only Castiel and Gabriel stayed behind. Cas just wanted to apologise as they made their way to the staircase, but Gabriel was obviously fuming with rage.

"You're going to pay for this you bastard," Gabriel whispered so only Cas could hear him, as he stomped to his room on the second floor. Castiel called an apology after him, though he didn't think Gabe would even hear, let alone listen to him, let alone care.

Standing at the bottom of the staircase, Cas contemplated the possible plots of revenge, Gabriel may be planning. Perhaps he would find away to make Cas appear on stage of homecoming with nothing on but his underwear.

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