Saving Her

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And before I could think about what I was doing, I pulled the trigger. That wasn't part of the plan... oh well.

"Sam!" Dean yelled, shocked and terrified all at the same time.

The angel fell to his knees, holding the bleeding hole in his chest with his hand. "I'm... I'm dying. How?" He looks up at us with actual fear in his eyes.

"Melted a few angel swords, turned them into bullets." I answered, walking closer to the dying angel. "I told you to let her go."

The blue light flashed in the angel's eyes. "Fools!" And he fell over and died, the light flickering out of him, indicating the angel was dead.

But the other angel wasn't taking any sh*t from us. She then flung us across the room with her powers, deciding to skip the small talk. I hit the wall, my head aching as I try to stand.

"You were stupid to come here." Okay, now she speaks. "We're just going to keep coming after her. The angels won't rest until they find God."

I look up at her and she's staring directly at me. I then look at Dean who's standing behind her, pouting the gun to her head, but she doesn't realize it. "Yeah, well, they're just gonna have to keep coming then." And he blows her head off.

Dean takes a moment to reflect on what he had just accomplished, gazing down at the dead vessel. He then runs up to me, helping me to my feet. "You ok?"

I nod, resting my hand against the back of my head. "Yeah, just bruised." And then I look up at Hope. "Come on."

I make my way towards her and knell so we're face to face. She's super pale and the blood just keeps coming. "What is this?" Dean asks in disgust of what they've done to her, acknowledging the device on her head.

"I think it sort of electrocutes the brain, or pokes at it. A way to trigger different memories that are long forgotten." I inform him.

Dean shakes his head, tears in his eyes. "We have to get her out of here."

I nod in agreement, staring at Hope's face. Dean begins to untie the ropes around her wrists and ankles, while I work on getting the head device off without hurting her furthermore.

Once it's off, her head falls forward as blood continues rushing down both sides of her head. I hold her head up right my hands, trying to stop the bleeding. "Hope." I say and my voice cracks.

She's out cold, her face as pale as a ghosts. "Sam, come on." Dean urges me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "We have to go. Now."

I nod, sliding my hand around Hopes back and under her legs to carry her out. Dean takes off his jacket and lays it on top of her before we make our way out the building.

We rush out the doors, meeting Castiel right where we left him. "Let's go." He talks fast, quickly moving his fingers to touch my forehead, and before I knew it, we were back at the bunker.

"This way." Dean commands as he walks into the hallway. We follow him until we get to Hope's room and lay her gently on the bed. She looks dead... so I check her pulse. There's still a heartbeat, but it's unnaturally slow.

I nod, backing away. "She's still alive." I then turn to Cas. "Can you help her?"

Cas hesitates, looking down at Hope. "I can maybe help with her physical state... but I can't help her mental state." He pauses. "I don't know how badly they've hurt her brain, or what information they found or how badly it will effect her..." He takes a deep breath, keeping his eyes locked on Hope. "I don't know if she'll even wake up..."

My heart sinks into my stomach and my hands begin to shake. "Just... do everything you can. Okay?" Dean asks Cas, his voice low and distant.

Cas nods, looking back up at us. "I promise I will do everything I can." And then he moves to stand right next to Hope.

Dean and I stand back as we watch Cas press three fingers to Hopes forehead. A blue light shines through Cas, into Hope, as he heals her head. The bleeding then stops and it looks like as if it was never there.

Cas then stops, and begins to fall over and Dean quickly makes his way over to catch him. "You okay?"

Cas stands up, a little wobbly on his feet, but nods. "Yes. I'm fine, thank you."

Dean nods, glancing back at Hope. "Come on. We'll wait until she wakes up." And Dean has to pull me out of her room.

"She'll be okay." He tries to tell me, in effort to make me feel better.

I nod, even though I know that's not true. I'm scared and so he is, and Hope will be too when she wakes up.

Fallen Angel||Sam Winchester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now