05: raina meets unknown

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"just because someone looks happy doesn't mean they are because even a white rose has a black shadow."


          Sarah's penthouse is filled to the brim with freshman from Abigail Adams, some were even from other schools. Even then, I am sitting alone in the living room on a white chair that looked like it cost more than my apartment. It had a fabric so soft that I had to remind myself I wasn't worthy enough to accidentally shed a hair on it.

          With my chin in the palm of my hand, I watch everyone else. Sarah had strutted off hours ago to dance with a bunch of boys and Darby and Yogi were canoodling on the couch. No one had bothered to come talk to me, but then I remembered I didn't bother to socialize either. Everyone already had their friends.

          I recognized Maya dancing with Lucas twenty minutes ago. It was more of Maya jumping up and down and Lucas dancing like a white dad at a barbecue. Zay was eating a hotdog in the kitchen. Where he got it? I have no clue. I wasn't even aware Sarah was giving out hotdogs. Riley was leaning against a wall on the opposite side of the room, staring at her best friend and Lucas. I came to realize that those three were the famous triangle everyone likes to talk about.

          Farkle was no where to be seen. I didn't think this kind of place would be his scene, but then again, it wasn't mine either. I'm in jeans that felt too tight and a shirt that screamed Sarah instead of Raina. In a room full of people, literally hundreds of freshman from all schools in the tristate area, I've never felt so alone.

           My phone dings with a new text, and I expected it was my father wondering when I'd be home. Sighing, I pull the phone out from my pocket to see something I wasn't expecting.


          I furrow my brows, a silly smile forming on my face from the simple word. I look up at the crowd, seeing no one on their phone. Everyone is either lost in the music or lost in the eyes of someone they adored.

who is this?

um, would it be weird if i said
i didn't want to be known?

a little

okay then give me a name

what's the name on your birth

why don't i just tell you
my social security number
while i'm at it

          I had to refrain from laughing aloud at the sarcastic comment. I appreciate humor like that, for it reminded my of my mother's. She was always cracking jokes that either made my father and I cringe or laugh until we cry.

well i'm guessing you know me
if you texted me first

raina faith

most people call me raina now

raina faith is too perfect
to not say the whole thing

         I feel a blush overcome my cheeks and I cannot believe that a simple text message would have me flustered. Ignoring the compliment, I text out another reply.

why'd you text me?

because no matter how hard i
try i can't talk to you in person

too nervous?


          In the midst of the conversation, I didn't realize Riley watching with a proud smile on her face. She was basking in the light shining from me for the first time since she's found out about my existence. And it was true. Whoever texted me that night someone made me smile brighter than I've been able to since I came to high school.

you can call me stuart

is that your name?

no it's my dad's name

is your dad stuart little?

no but he does look like him

          I can't help but laugh out loud, the sound drowning in the intensity of the speakers. Staring down at my phone screen, it felt like I wasn't alone, which is odd. How is it that some people can put so much faith into someone they don't know? How is it that some people you've never met make you feel like you belong somewhere?

            I don't know Stuart. I don't know if they're a boy or a girl, but I can't help but have a deep gratification for them because they've lightened up my mood when I thought this party was surely killing it.

            "Raina." I look up to see Sarah towering over me. "Can you refill the snack bowls?" I stare at her oddly to which she groaned. "Now please." Sarah stalks off towards the crowd of teenagers dancing in her living room as I indeed stand up to do what she asks.

actually i'm farkle [deleted]

i really like yo— [deleted]

hi my name is farkle and i think
you're perfect [deleted]

i think you need a good friend, and
i want to be that for you


wowie i really don't like sarah in this story, but i'm not getting rid of her just yet...oops

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