First Lie

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Three months after the incident...


"How is she?"
I asked the doctor for a hundredth time and he still gave me that look.

"Still no resposes."
He left the room after checking her. And now it's just me and her. With all the tubes and mind fucking sounds coming from those machines.

"Babe wake up please."
I don't know how many times I said this to her. I always visit her that it starting to affect my study at the university. My coach wasn't happy on how I play lately but he said that he understand.

It's been 3 months when the accident happened. The memories are vivid but I remember her lying on the asphalt, blood covering her body and the people around us shouting. And then the cops and the ambulance came asking me questions but all I could think of is her. I thought that she might be dead I was terrified of the idea that she's gone.

I regret everything. If only I didn't push her to come with me. If I didn't bring her to that place.

This is all my fault.

I was pull back from my thoughts when I heard knockings from the door.

"Come in."

Her mother came in with a sad smile. I saw her crying non stop when we arrived at the hospital that day.

"I'm sorry. If only-"

She cut me off by hugging and patting my back

"Shhh. It's an accident, it's not your fault."
Her family is always good to me. When I told them what happened they didn't blame me, they didn't shut me off. All they do is told me that everything is going to be okay.

"Just think of it like, Ria is just taking a long nap." She said to me and I smile looking at the girl I love.

"Yeah. She surely loves her sleep."

I talked to his mother for minutes and then I decided to say goodbye, her mom told me that I should go back to school, fix myself for Ria and do the usual things I do.

I don't know if I can do it knowing that she's not with me. But I will still visit her everyday. I want to be the first person she sees when she wakes up.

Ria has always been a good girlfriend to me. I couldn't ask for more. I admit that I'm not a good person but Ria see me as this perfect man for her. That's why I always do my best to give her everything she deserves. And she didn't deserve to be in that hospital.

I drove to my apartment. The car ride was silence unlike before Ria always choose what song to play and she just tell me random things and it made me happy.

For 3 months without Ria, it is so hard. I was used to being with her although we don't live in the same house I still miss her presence.

My apartment has been lonely. No Ria dancing while cooking an omelette. No Ria scolding me for my dirty laundry on the floor. No Ria on my side.

I promise that I'll stay with her until she wakes up. I'm not going to leave her.

"Peters I know that you're going through a lot right know but you need to prioritize things now. If you're not game with playing basketball, it's fine. But if you still want to be part of this team you have to help the team. You need to be in the team."

"I want to be in the team Coach."
This is my dream. I can't let it slip away like nothing. I worked hard to be in this position. I need to get back on track.

"That's good to hear son. How is she by the way?" Coach is very understanding with my situation. He was mad at first because the team was involved but he gave me consideration knowing what happened to us. To Ria.

"She's still the same. I don't know what to do anymore Coach."

"It will be fine. You have to stay strong for her. She's a tough little lady, she will wake up soon. Don't give up on her Peters."

I will never give up on her.

One year after the incident...

"MIKE! BRO! Come on join us the party is just getting started." Tyler is bugging me eversince I step in his apartment. I am not in the mood for a party but the team won and being the captain, I'm required to be present at this party.

"Pissed off Ty."

"Oh come on man. We won we're supposed to celebrate our victory! Don't be a kj." He gave me a beer and he went to entertain his other guest.

It's been a month since my last visit at the hospital. I just couldn't take see her like that. I'm tired I guess. I love Ria so damn much but I need her. It kills me seeing her like that so I decided to take a break from everything. I felt guilty but I need a time for myself. I still have a life.

"Why are you alone here Captain?"
I was taken back from my thoughts when a blonde girl sit beside me. I look at her and I know that she's one of those bang bunnies present at every party.

"I just want to be alone." I told her hoping that she would feel that I don't really want a company right now.

"Oh that's tragic. Don't be so lonely, we can have fun you know." She starts touching my shoulders and licking her lips.

"I have a girlfriend." I told her but she just let out an irritating laugh.

"The dead one?" My fist clench on what she said. And maybe she notice it and fear register in her face.

"I-im sorry I-i thoug-"

"Doesn't matter. Just shut the fuck up." I drank the beer Tyler gave me and decided to get some more. I need to drink away my thoughts.

I am at the kitchen and I saw the blonde girl still following me. When she saw me looking at her, she smile at me and she pull me for a kiss.

The booze took in my system and I couldn't resist anymore. I pull her closer and kiss her back and then things go wrong the next morning...

..when I woke up in bed with her—naked.


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