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Her first and last memory before blacking out was of running through a deserted parking lot and on to an empty road. She had been running for what felt like hours before finding a town. But when she had finally gotten there she was so weak that she was only minutes away from passing out. Her body felt as if she were running under water; the pressure almost unbearable, weighing her down with every step she took. Her head was throbbing in pain and getting worse with any slight movement, until finally she collapsed.

Using the last of her energy, she turned her head to the left glimpsing a pool of blood forming around her head. Then, slowly, the pain began receding and her eyes, heavy with fatigue, began closing. As she lay on the sidewalk she began to hear muffled voices. They got closer and closer shattering her dream state apart.

The voices, now clear and sharp, rang through her head like a thousand bees. With her eyes still closed she could tell that there were many people around. In the background she could hear sirens getting closer until finally they stopped and someone was picking her up. With that movement pain shot throughout her entire body causing her to whimper in agony. Slightly opening her eyes, she noticed three vague shadows standing over her.

She hadn't noticed she was clutching onto someone's hand until the van, which she was apparently now riding in, hit a speed bump making pain surge throughout her body causing her to dig her nails into someone's flesh. Whoever was holding her hand, she was thankful for because even as her nails dug into their flesh they never let go.

When they arrived at the hospital the person holding her hand was still next to her. Even when she finally passed out from loss of blood, she could still feel the person's presence next to her.

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A/N: Hey guys :) Glad you took the time to read the prologue! If you're still interested then keep on reading and please don't forget to vote, comment, or just anything to help me out :) Thanks!

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