Little Us

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Do you ever have the desire to speak to a younger version of yourself?

Ever wonder what they would think when you told them how sad you were?

Why you were sad?

What you did when you were sad?

How about how you developed anorexia or bulimia?

What would little you think?

Would they be disappointed like the rest of the world?

Would they change your perspective of yourself?

Have you ever wondered what they would say to you attempting suicide?


Now I’ve gone too far huh?

Well they are going to find out eventually anyway right?

Why not inform them early?

Don’t forget about the most important part.

Tell them about the love your life.

About the how long and hard the road was.

Tell them the highlights of it all, you know there are many

Most of all express how absolutely




The feeling of finally making it is.

That may be the thing that keeps them going.

Maybe this already happened.

How else do you think you made it?

Little UsWhere stories live. Discover now