The Site of a Sunset

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Before the eye of heaven sets I sit before

Old dreams and fantasies I remember 

On the enchanted sea ride the ships

And sometimes their poor shipwreck ride the banks

The vain desires and hopes never fail here

The unmapped loss of time  

The wind blows throw the sand

On blind adventures comes the errand of hope

The fair and foul will not fancy me dearest

I turn from all that only seems,

And seek the sober grounds of truth.

Only the good will remain

A song to greet the warmth of dying light

For losses will sail away and sink into the depth of water

Heap high my hearth worth is not lost

No wisdom with the madness dies

Take you with me on your sea of dreams

Be able to dream

Be dared to dream

Unsought of greed

And time shall wait and time must be

Through grief, pain and its' granted days

Sit by evening to its' heart of warmth

All the memories those are dead

All the souls who left us lonely here

We day by day say goodbye

I know the whence the airs have blown

That whispers the eternal sea of passion

And, fair in the sunset light discern

I hear the sea's deep sounds increase 

It's the isles of love

And the fair sunset of peace

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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