A portal to Minecraft (slow updating)

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This is my first story so be nice to me!!!!


I didn't know that this day would change my life upside down like that, what happen that day was a good thing at the same time a bad thing. Ok I'll tell you what happened, it began with me sitting in my room playing Minecraft as usually so when I look out my window at the side of my desk. I saw the sky was more red and purple then normal and then a purple light shined outside in the garden of my house. And I saw a ....... portal ..... a minecraft PORTAL IN MY GARDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

As fast I went outside to investigate the new ...... portal in my garden, it sucked me in and everything was black after that. 

After a long time waiting in the darkness, a white light open my mind and I saw ....... The world of Minecraft. The ones who woke me up was some players standing over me like I was a monster. After some time to gather the pieces together, I freaked out like standing up and run away from the players.

You would ask ''why did you run away when theres players there to help you?'' heh yeah well they all had diamond sword pointing at me, ready to attack me. I don't know why they did it but they did, so when I walked around I saw sea and though maybe take a look of how my character is like. 

And when I got there I looked like a normal person but my eyes they were not gone like Herobrine's eyes, my eyes were purple like enderman's eyes. Other wise my character look like a archer, Black hair, white and brown clothes, like a normal player. 

I though I look pretty cool but why did they almost attack me like i'm a mob or something like that? that's the big question. But whatever so I swam over the sea to the other land on this world. I found a village with 2 player living there, I walked over there and the first thing that happens to me is almost be cutting off my head by one of the players.

I ducked and attacked the player with a diamond sword that glowed purple, where I got that I don't even know but my body was controlling of it's self since of the 'almost died' situation. So I killed the player by me I think since it stood '' Demon12 was killed by Assassin ''. So I think my 'user' name is Assassin, that's apretty cool name extually hehe, but back to the 'real' world after that happen I heard someone yelling '' Demon what happen? '' after that said a player came out of one of the houses and stared at me like for a god danm long. 

Since he didn't attack me I just walked away from there and Demon12 was walking down to the village but saw me and said '' Oh shit, Gig get over here '' so the other player is called Gig. And now was both of them standing there holding a conversation that I can hear but they don' t know about that.

Demon12: Gig that's the player that killed me!

Gig: She did? WOW she must be powerful since she dosen't have a armor on!

Demon12: she had a diamond sword that was enchanted!!!!

bla bla bla I was getting bored so I just walked away from them and went some where, when I got to a forest I saw a red torch ...... hmm maybe this is Herobrine. I could get anwsers by him of how this works since he's in the game..... after a long adventure of finding him, I FINALLY found him. 


Thanks for reading this book!

I will continue my story soon!       See you soon my humans                                                                                                      

Angela TM

A portal to Minecraft (slow updating)Where stories live. Discover now