Idea 5

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Idea 5

There is no way of knowing what fate has in store for you, but there are ways to cope with the hardships brought on by the highest of powers. Sometimes I wonder if there is a God, a higher entity that is both the creator and destroyer of our world. There are some moments in life when every person wants to end it all, to just force the very essence of life from their body, but there are also moments that you wish never end, that continue on for all eternity. But that never happened for me, I never had the choice of that incredible off switch that humanity holds. I never had the choice to end it all when times got rough. There were others to make that choice for me, my life was governed by something that I could see, a person who made any important decisions for me. I was never given the free will that most people get, and I never knew anything but the pain that was caused by the man who ‘loved’ me.


I watched as he sneered at me, his mouth twisted into a strange shape that I wouldn’t think possible had I not seen it every day of my life.

“You know what, I’m tired of your disobedience, your insolence and the fact that you’re alive!” He screamed in my direction, his hand whipping out and striking my cheek. I was flung backwards with the sheer force of the blow. He slowly advanced as I sat on the floor, hand of cheek and head hung in shame. “You’re worthless, not of any use to anyone, and I do this as a favour to the world.” He sneered before pulling his hunting knife from behind his back. I cowered as he brought it towards me.

He pushed me back so that I was lying on the floor, his body pressing down on mine and his strong hands pinning mine above my head. I shook my head and wept, I wept not for myself but for any other person who has ever been in the position I was in. He slowly brought the knife up to where he had my hands, dragging the sharp point over the soft flesh of my wrist. He smiled as I screamed and writhed in agony. He continued to cut across the soft white flesh of my arms, moving up to my elbow, but never cutting deep enough the burst an artery. Eventually he brought the knife down on my elbow, plunging it so deeply into my arm that I felt it scrape the bone. After that he picked up my limp body and wrapped a rope around my neck, tying it to a hook on the wall he strung me up and washed his hands of blood, dropped the knife at my feet and left the room, closing the door behind him.

The pain began to dull and I felt my senses numb. I was no longer entirely aware of where I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2012 ⏰

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