Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi everyone it's Emma! I'm so excited, you don't even know! This is my first story on Wattpad, so I would love to hear what you guys think! Just to let you know, this is only MY story. I share this account with my sister Grace, but she is currently writing her own story, and she's not quite ready to post it. We are also working on a fanfic together, so be ready! Okay, so thank you so much for reading, love you!!! Oh, and if you have any cover ideas, that would be great!!! Thanks., and enjoy! :) -Emma

CHAPTER ONE: TRINITY'S POV****************************************************************************

            "So get out, get out, get out of my head! And fall into my arms instead!"

            I groaned, opening my eyes to glance at the clock quickly before picking up my phone. 5:50 AM. On a Saturday. On the first day of summer vacation. I'm going to kill someone.

            "Hello?" I grumbled into my I-Phone. Hope whoever was calling didn't expect me to be all smiles.

            "Trinity? It's Claire. Why the heck do you sound like a dying cat?"

            That explains why I was called before 9 in the morning. Claire is my best friend, and she isn't afraid of me. Normally I am totally sweet, but wake me up and you will suffer the consequences. I guess I'm not that intimidating at 5'2", but still. Even my parents don't bother me before 9 am.

            "Jesus, I don't know Claire. Maybe it's because it's summer, it's the weekend, I'm a teenager, AND I LIKE MY FUDGING SLEEP!" I hissed at her.

            "Oh quite whining Trin. You were the one who agreed to go with me to take May to go see the One Direction boys this morning. So get your butt up, I'll be there at 6:30."

            I groaned. May was Claire's 15 year old little sister. Don't get me wrong, May is a sweetie, but she is totally OBSESSED with the British/Irish boy band, One Direction. Claire and I both think the guys are all hot, and we love all of their songs. We follow them on Twitter, but we don't make fools of ourselves. You know, like mature 17 year old girls. But May, oh lord. She was a super fan, a HUGE directioner. Her rooms is covered in posters of the boys. Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry each have a designated wall for their posters and pictures, while Louis, her favorite, covers May's ceiling. She knew anything and everything about each of the boys, and their lives. She's a bit crazy. Which explains why she is willing to wait for hours in Houston heat and humidity with hundreds of screaming girls just to get a glimpse of 5 hot singers.

            "Nooooooooooo!" I whimpered.

            "Oh come on Trinity! Don't make me go alone! Or better yet, don't make me come kidnap you and drag you there!" Claire protested. Dang, she was a firecracker even at 6 in the morning.

            "Fine, but only because I love May. And you're buying me breakfast.""

            "You know you love me too babe. Anyways, look hot for me! Who knows, maybe the boys will see us and suddenly decide they want us to marry them and have their babies! You know, because that is TOTALLY POSSIBLE!"

            I laughed. The reason Claire and I get along so well is because we understand each other's sarcasm. I heard May's muffled voice in the background, yelling, "IT IS POSSIBLE!" I laughed some more.

            "Dang May, don't wake up Mom and Dad! They'll kill you! Got to go Trin, see ya!" Claire whispered into the phone.

            "Bye babe, bring me Starbucks!" I cooed, before hanging up the phone. I ran and took the quickest shower humanly possible, while trying not to cut my legs with the razor. I put my glasses on before hurrying  to my closet, tossing on a pair of dark denim shorts and a cute pink tank top. It was low cut, and had sequins at the neckline, which I loved. The pink complimented my fair complexion, and the shorts highlighted my muscular legs. I tossed on a pair of silver gladiator sandals, then braced myself to tackle the issue that was my hair.

            Everyone else loves my hair, but I personally think it hates me. It's a very dark dirty blonde, and I have random gold streaks scattered throughout my hair. The color is fabulous, but my hair is EXTREMELY thick. Like I-have-two-people-blow-drying-my-hair-at-the- hair-salon-and-it-still-takes-20-minutes thick. Like I-use-three-ponytail-holders-to-hold-my-hair- in-a-ponytail thick. Like I-have-a-picture-of-me-at-a-girl-scout-field-trip-when-I-was-little-on-a- nature-walk-after-it-had-rained-and-my-hair-puffed-up-so-much-it-covered-another-girls-face -thick. I'm not even kidding. It's a lot work to keep it looking decent.

            Today, my hair decided to be nice, which was a huge relief. It would only get worse when I stepped outside though. Let's just say, Houston heat and humidity during the summer is my worst nightmare. I straightened it with my special drying straightening iron, then pulled it back into a braid. I did my makeup quickly, applying some concealer, powder, and mascara. Luckily, I finished just as Claire pulled up. I grabbed my phone and sent my mom a quick text telling her where I would be. I left a quick note on the chalkboard in the kitchen too, then grabbed my purse off the kitchen table. I checked the watch I didn't even know I had on: In about 10 seconds Claire would honk and wake the whole neighborhood. I bolted to the front door, in front of which my little Pomeranian, Fox, was sleeping. That was Fox's special spot, so he could guard the house. I tiptoed around him, snapping a quick cute picture on my phone before running to Claire's black Suburban.

            At 5'2", Claire and I were both kind of short, and really skinny. Unlike me, however, she had bouncy red curls and freckles dotting her tiny nose, which I envied. Claire was very loud, very proud, and very carefree. You can tell by looking at her really. She had an amazing laugh to compliment her sparkling wit, and normally she was sweet and funny, but her dark green eyes could be scary if you made her mad. Claire was the type of girl who didn't take any bull, and she had a bit of a temper. My quiet, sweet, sensitive personality calmed her down, and my sensible side kept her from getting into too much trouble. But hey, I'm not boring. I know how to have fun, but I'm just not as confident as Claire.

            As I hopped into the passenger side, Claire gave me a once over. She whistled, "Babes, we look totally hot right now." She was wearing white shorts, a yellow v-neck, and converse. The yellow looked awesome with her bright hair and green eyes.

            I smirked, "I know right? You look good too May!"

            "Thanks!" May chirped from the backseat. May had straight, light blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Her turquoise blue shorts were super cute, but I was being nice. Her shirt said, "1D FOREVER" with a picture of the boys on it. Clearly May is oblivious to any sarcasm, poor dear. Living with Claire must be a nightmare for her.

            Claire pulled out of my driveway, mumbling, "Okay, since a certain witch decided to get me up before it is even light outside, we are stopping at Starbucks. No questions asked."

            May complained, "But they are due at the Westin at 7:30! We won't be close enough to the front if we don't get there in time!" I, on the other hand, needed coffee. I just then realized it was still dark outside, and added that to my list of reasons I didn't want to be here right now.

            "Sorry, May, but Claire over here promised me breakfast. So Starbucks it is."

            "Fine." May grumbled. With that, we were off to Starbucks, and then to the Westin, where a bunch of teenage girls would be screaming and shoving each other to get a glimpse of One Direction. Someone will end up in the hospital, I thought. That would make for an interesting day.

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