And then there was nothing...

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Higher we climbed, higher and higher and higher

Into the clouds

And out again

To a hilltop, peaceful, windswept, empty


On our way there was heather and trees and bracken

All spreading out below us like a blank map

full of paths that led nowhere

Into nothing

nothing like this

nothing but us

atop a hill

where there was nothing

where it was still

And then the rain

it poured, it cascaded, it flew down from the sky

drumming furiously on the ground

I hid inside your raincoat

both of us sheltered by thin plastic

nothing else, just us, just plastic

just enough to save us

and then it stopped

and dripped

and dropped

and there was nothing

just us again

me and you

And our eyes met, and our hands met, and you smiled,

And then there was something.

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