Episode 3

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Wally stood in front of his Uncle Barry's front door, his fingers playing with his house keys inside his pocket. He wished he wasn't in that position, confronting his own uncle because he had been keeping information from him. And quite the information.

Keystone was his city. He had been told to stay away from Central City, and he had respected that. Because it was Barry's city, and Barry's metahumans. But, why didn't he respect his city? Was it because he didn't trust him?

He thought that he had proved him more than enough after defeating The Brotherhood of Evil just a few days ago. Apparently not.

He knocked twice. It was a matter of seconds before he saw his Aunt Iris' head peeking through the door. "Wally!", she exclaimed, happily. They both went in for a hug.

Iris' warmth still felt like a mother's to him, even though she had two kids of her own. She was his mom, aunt and best friend.

"Please, come in", she gestured, "it's freezing outside".

It really was, but Wally hadn't noticed until that very moment. The thought of freezing brought his mind back to Match. "Uncle Barry is home, right?", he asked.

"Just came back from the Lab", she smiled, "I'll go get the twins. They're eager to see you".

He smiled vaguely just as his Aunt disappeared upstairs. "Wally", a man's voice made him turn around. There he was, The Flash, standing steadily in front of him. He had a heroic vibe to him, even without the suit on. It was as if he could almost understand it. He was nothing like him. And he thought he could be compared to his mentor.

"Uncle Barry", he faked a smile as he shook his hand.

But Barry was smiling truthfully at his nephew's visit. "What brings you here?", he asked as he gestured him to take a seat, "I hope it's good news".

But Wally couldn't pretend anymore. His features acquired a much serious tone. "There's this meta in Keystone that I think you know about", he went straight to the point.

If he had learnt something about him throughout his childhood and teen years, as well as superhero training, it was that there was no use in beating around the bush.

Barry's expression changed as well. He ran a hand through his blonde hair. "We are trying to figure him out before he causes any more damage, Wally", he explained. "I've fought him once. Didn't go so good", he stared at his nephew's face for a second. "He's really dangerous, Walls".

The young man sighed. He loved his Uncle with all his soul. But he needed to understand that he wasn't twelve anymore. He didn't need protection.

"Exactly my point", he said, rising his voice a little. "You faced him once, and you couldn't do it", he said, ignoring the look on his Uncle's eyes. "Leave him to me, Barry. I know what I'm doing".

The older speedster shook his head. "Wally, are you even listening to a word you're saying?", he said, angrier this time. "This...this creature is basically Superboy, one of the most invincible men in the world. And you are saying you can take him down".

"I know how to", he said.

Barry leaned back, arms crossed. He raised an eyebrow at him. "How so?"

Wally looked around, as if he were afraid someone could hear him, or read his mind. "Look, I can't tell you how I know", he explained, much to Barry's mistrust, "But what I can tell you is that you need to freeze him", he said.

He omitted the "to death" part Jinx had mentioned. He knew his Uncle would not be fond of that. Barry raised an eyebrow, "Precisely, he was placed by into cryogenic storage for safety concerts once he was caught", he recalled. "But it doesn't mean that the cold will stop him in battle", he pointed out.

But Wally didn't see eye to eye. "That's where you are wrong", he said, suddenly standing up from the couch. "It will neutralize him long enough for me to catch him and put him into jail again".

"You?", Barry did not know where his nephew was going with that. Did he really think he was going to let him go out all by himself?

"Me", he stated, firmly.

That was exactly what the boy thought.

Barry stood up as well. Their faces were at the same level. When had he gotten so tall? "Look, Wally", he started, "as much as I would love it if you took care of Match by yourself, you can't. He is invincible, and you are mortal", he stated. "I don't think you need any other reason".

Wally tightened his fist. If his Uncle thought he was still a helpless child, that was okay with him. He had always preferred actions over words, anyway.


Jinx looked at herself in the mirror. Her pink horns sure stood out. But she hadn't noticed until now. Well, she had noticed. More like, she hadn't cared until that moment.

She thought they represented her past life. And she was no longer a prisoner of that. She touched the metal band with the tip of her fingers, an electric shock passing through it. Was she really going to do it? Was she really going to let her hair down? She only did when she was going to bed. Putting her horns back up was the thing she first did when she woke up.

Without thinking, she pulled a metal band out, layers of pink hair waving down her right shoulder. She stared blankly at her reflection. Left side, or right side?

The sound of the main door closing brought her back to reality. She quickly pulled her right horn back up, as if nothing had happened. She stared at herself once more before leaving the bathroom. And, for some reason, it all felt wrong.

"Jinx!", the speedster called from the living room.

"What do you want?", she asked, barely inaudible. But, of course, he had heard.

He was standing in front of the couch, a weird expression on his face. And she had noticed he hadn't taken his globes off, like he always did when he got home. She immediately knew something was wrong. But, what had he called her for? Did he think she was a shoulder he could cry on? As if.

He didn't answer right away, which was surprising. Something must have happened to him while he was out, she thought. Because, as much as she hated him – or did she? – she did not want him to be upset. Wait, what now?

"What did you call me for?", she asked again, hoping to get a response this time.

He looked directly into her eyes. The blue on them suddenly seemed like the darkest black she had ever seen. And that was something.
And then, he said something she hoped he would never ask again.

"You're going to help me take down Match".

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