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For a start, I apologise for not updating in so long. It's my GCSEs at the moment (bleugh)

But there's something we really need to address.
As an LGBT author or reader, we don't have ourselves a home. We have been shoved into the 'other' category for the longest time. And now?

Now wattpad is re-naming the category 'random'. Define random: 1. made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.
odd, unusual, or unexpected.

Type random into a thesaurus and this comes up: Synonyms: accidental, adventitious, aimless, arbitrary, casual, contingent, designless, desultory, driftless, fluky, fortuitous, hit-or-miss, incidental, indiscriminate, irregular, objectless, odd, promiscuous, purposeless, slapdash, spot, stray, unaimed, unconsidered, unplanned, unpremeditated

We are not 'purposeless' writers with 'purposeless' stories. Nor are we aimless or accidental. By being put into the category of random, someone pointed out to me that we'll have our stories put into the mix with news updates. These aren't even stories. Before we have been swept away, and now we're under the godamn rug.

Despite there being so many comments and heart felt pleads from so many, wattpad has made one comment in reply that they will not be making any new categories, only that there will be a bigger emphasis on tags. No. I'm sorry but no. We don't even get acknowledged as a genre? We need to be acknowledged as a genre so we can be seen as equal to every other reader and writer on here! This is 2014.

Being an LGBT author, reader or member of the community comes with so much discrimination. Think of all the hate writers get. Think of the number of times people have stumbled into one of our stories and been disgusted by the content. If we had our own category, people wouldn't find our stories by chance. They would know to stay away from them.

True, there will always be jerks and trolls but its no good if even wattpad won't give us our own category!

I'm a 16 year old girl. I'm bisexual. I attend secondary school and I go through the pain of not being able to love who I want to every day. I have to deal with parents who don't understand who I am and homophobic friends who I can't bring myself to come out to. I worry about grades, I worry about my looks- hell, I'm a teenager, what don't I worry about?

But wattpad is such a lovely community, especially the LGBT one. It's so much more than that- its a support group... Im just going to say it... It's a family. The most accepting, loving family anyone could ever wish for.

Writing and reading is something I do to be myself. It's hard enough to bring myself to post on here but to publish a story that won't even be recognised as belonging to a category equal to others? It's incredibly difficult.

It doesn't matter if you have a perfect life. It doesn't matter whether you have supporting parents or a perfect body, as soon you're being discriminated against in anyway- life just gets a hell of a lot harder.

So stop, wattpad. Please, just give us some equality. You have the ability at this moment to end something that whole societies can't. Whole countries can't. Whole continents can't.

But you can. So what's stopping you?

Kiss Me (yaoi / boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now