another meeting

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                                                                **********8 months later**********

My head pounded as I woke up. Yawning I opened my eyes. I had a headache. Great. I wondered downstairs and made some tea before going back to bed and turning on my laptop. Danisnotonfire had uploaded a new video, late as normal. Smiling I clicked on the link after reading the new tweet “morning guys! New video! This one’s about lurvvvvvvv haha P.s sorry its 8 months late” the last part struck me. As it had been exactly 8 months today that he had taken me in and I had stayed at his and Phil’s home. I skipped over the add and then Dan’s perfect face was on my screen. “Hello internet.” He began. Talking about love and how strange it is. Making me laugh at how weird he was. At the end he smiled slightly and said quietly “throughout this whole video I have been thinking about one person.” And then the video was over. I stared at the not black screen. Had Dan just confessed his love for someone? My heart sunk. I missed him so much and knowing that he had found a girl hurt me. Not in a mean way but I slightly wanted him to be mine. Knowing that could never happen now hurt me in a way I never thought possible. I got dressed still in a trance. I decided to stop moping about and go shopping. I left the house and went into town. I wondered around a few shops not really looking at anything in particular. I was stood in shake away when I felt two arms engulf me. Spinning around I saw a face I never expected to see again. Well apart from on my laptop. Dan was grinning down at me. His eyes shone as he stared at me. We just stood there for a while before I hugged him back as tight as I could. “I missed you Howell” I confessed to him. “I missed you too” he said the smile evident in his voice. “One large butterscotch” the woman at the till announced. I had to slip out of Dan’s grasp and get my drink.

After hours of shopping we were sat in the park near his house talking. The darkness had crept up on us like a ninja, neither of us noticing at all. We only looked away from each other when Dan’s phone rang. “Its Phil” he stated before picking up. “Hey dude” he said smiling down the phone. A muffled voice came from the other end, I could tell that Phil was worried. Dan laughed, “Calm down! Were in the park just down the road.” The muffled voice spoke again. “Yes we” Dan giggled. “I found her again Phil! I found Eve!” Dan grinned like he was proud of his discovery. I smiled back at him as the muffled voice spoke once more. “Okay, Okay im coming home now don’t worry. See you in a bit bye.” He then hung up his phone and stood up. He held out his hand and I took it letting him pull me up into a hug. We let each other go and said goodbye but as I was about to walk off he grabbed my hand looking at me seriously. “Do you think im going to let you just walk out of my life again? After 8 months of missing you?” he smiled at me giving me his phone and telling me to put in my number. I handed him back his phone and he smile at me pulling me in for another hug. I took a breath, breathing in his gorgeous sent. Looking up into his mesmerizing brown eyes. Like pools of melted chocolate. His cool brown hair swept across his face as he looked down at me smiling. Making my breath catch in my throat. I pulled away from him. I was getting too caught up in him. But I couldn’t fall in love with him. That wasn’t part of the deal. He was just a friend, and that’s all he would ever be I thought. “Bye Dan” I whispered and then started to walk away from him. Trying to forget the thought and feeling I was now having about him.  When I got home I had a shower and went straight to bed, but no matter how hard I tried to push the thoughts out of my head the stayed there. My heart was beating steadier than I had when I was with Dan. He made me happy but also exited to just be there.

Danisnotonfire imagineWhere stories live. Discover now