Chapter 1 • Edd's Idea

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I couldn't sleep all last night. It's just not the same when you move after living somewhere for a long time. I know we're neighbours now, right next door to each other, but I can't help but miss Tom and Matt when we're not in the same 'house'.
Something else is keeping me up. What happened with Tord..
I shudder every time I think about it. Or even Tord himself. His name now sickens me. I thought we were friends.

I notice now that as I'm sitting here thinking, a few tears have been trickling down my face, understandable body, but I'm a big boy. Okay maybe not... but on the outside I am!


I feel like maybe we should find a new house and live together again. It might be better if we're closer together, especially after all that's happened to us. The others might lie that idea, I know none of us are still exactly settled here. I don't think any of us can get settled.

I slowly get out of bed, trying not to rush myself too much. I get dressed thinking of the words to say when I ask them. Who should I go to and ask first? As I finish putting my shoes on I grab something quick to eat, hmmm... toast. Once I'm done with that I grab my apartment keys and walk out. I've decided that I'm going to ask Tom first.

As I finish locking my door it took my a second to remember which room was actually Tom's.
I walked up, knocking quietly on the door in case he was somehow still asleep, if he was awake he would have heard because of his hearing. It's outstanding. I heard a lock from the other side being unlocked, and the doorknob was twiste. The door was opened to an extremely tired looking Tom. "Oh.. hey Edd." He groggily started conversation. "Hey, uh, would you like me to come back later or-"
"Nah, it's fine. I just gotta get my shit together is all."
Tom rolled his eyes. "Anyway, wanna come in?" He offered, "yeah, I need to talk to you. More even ask you something." "Aight."

He lead me to his couch and sat down, patting the spot next to him. After clearing his throat, he began again, "so what did you need to talk about?"
"I wanted to ask, and I'm going to ask Matt afterwards but..."
"Spit it out Edd."
"D-Do you think we should find another house together? We could maybe try to go back to how things used to be before... he..." I was choking on my words, tearing up, " before the one w-ho shall not be s-spoken of... fucked things up." I said the last part very quickly. By that point Tom was rubbing my back, but quickly jumped a little surprised by me, the one who hates swearing, swore.

"Edd... are you okay?"
"I- ... I'm fine Tom." I say sitting up again, wiping away my tears. "Edd I think that's a great idea. We'll put the past behind us and find a new place-- that is, if Matt agrees,"
"If matt agrees."

Word Count: 532

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