(A) F o l d e r: D a t a F i l e #1

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D A T E: 11.05.17
• R o c k f i e l d H i g h


'School News:
3rd year student of  Rockfield High, Haven Grove, was included in a crime z night at 9:34 pm here in Rockfield High. Medical professionals say that the incident was caused by a bullet shot directly at the head. Unfortunately, the victim was dead on the spot. Officers are already investigating about the case and are currently looking for the possible suspect.

For more information, please contact Intel to Programme Social Club. Or go to the link.... etc...

Published: 11.04.17'

That was what all the students were fussing about this morning.

The Intel to Programme Social Club has made a news public to the whole campus by posting it on the Board Sytem yesterday.

And for some reason. The sole incident is tearing the school apart.

Everyone was talking about it since this morning and the whole school body is in panick.

Not that it surprises me though, all they care about is the reputation of our campus. Not the people concerned.

And the best way to avoid getting involved, is to ignore the whole thing.

So that was what i did the whole morning. Ignore everyone and everything.

Until now that is.

"Attention to all students, this announcement is coming from the Student Council. All students of Rockfield High are required to proceed to the auditorium for a meeting. I repeat, all students of Rockfield High are required to proceed to the auditorium for a meeting. This is not an emergency."

That's what they said.

Of course that was a lie, it's obvious that the meeting is an emergency.

And when there's an emergency, that means automatic lockdown.

All students must go to the auditorium and no one should be left behind.

So for me, I don't have a choice.

Lockdown. This school is known for it's security. When something's wrong, that means lockdown.

And since I first got here, there hasn't been a lockdown till this day.

Hence, the panick.

Everyone was everywhere. They were running around trying to get to the auditorium first.

And me?. I'm in the middle of it all. Unfortunately.

So to avoid getting kicked in the face, i just go with the crowd.

It's like what they say. If you don't wanna fight 'em, join 'em.

For starters. I wanna introduce before everybody goes haywire.

My name is Almiya Shcoe Grace. And I'm 18 years old.

I'm in secondary school, or high school to be specific. And am currently studying at Rockfield High.

Where, in said High School. There is a frightful concern.

Still, I don't see why everyone is panicking. There is always a proper way to comply, instead of doing it in an ill manner.

But for some reason, I don't think I'll be able to too.

"Everyone, do not panick. The police has reassured that there will be no other accidents or killings that will take place in this Educational Sanctuary. So please, everyone just don't panick and calmly proceed to the auditorium where the meeting will occur. I repeat, please calmly proceed to the auditorium where the meeting will occur. Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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