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These are some scientific facts , mentioned in Quran 1400 years before and discovered in the modern days.
{غُلِبَتِ الروم، في أدنى الارض}    Sora al-Room  verses 2-3

Which is translated :"The Romans were beaten ،in the lowest place,on earth"
Once there was  a war  between Persians and the Romans , in Iraq near the Red Sea which is proven nowadays to be the lowest place in earth . 420 meters below the surface of the sea . The amazing fact is that Quran mentioned that 1400 years ago .

{ والسماء بنيناها بايد وانا لموسعون } Sora Al-Zariat  verse 47
" and the sky we built with might , and we are expanding it "
The miracle in this verse is the clear saying of Allah that the universe is expanding , 1300 years before
Albert Einstein proves that.

{كمثل العنكبوت اتخذت بيتا، وان اوهن البيوت لبيت العنكبوت}Sora Al-Ankbot  verse 41
" like the female spider that made a house,and indeed the most weak house is the house of the spider "
Science has come to prove today that only the female spiders can produce a home while the male spider throws unorganized threads that are of no use , this fact is mentioned 1400 years in the Quran and some people dare say that Mohamad ( pbuh) wrote that book.

There are lots of scientific facts mentioned in the Quran and yet to be discovered  , I will mention them in different times

Please let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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