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The moment she decided that she would break up with Ian, she felt so down. Guilt was crushing her. But she still stood up.

"It's ok." She assured herself. "Everything is going to be alright."

And that was why she focused in playing. It was Sage World Battlefield at the moment. She was determined that today Will would finally acknowledge her.

She then participated and when the event ended, she was surprised. She... She... She got a title! She was now "Hero of the Battlefield". She was so happy! Seeing those four words above her name made her feel so strong.

Of course, the first person she wanted to tell this great news to was her best friend.

"WILL!" She immediately called for him.

He looked at her questioningly like he always did when she would randomly call for him.

"OH MY GOD! I'M NOW HERO OF THE BATTLEFIELD!" She shouted and was about to open her arms in order to hug him when she stopped herself.

"Err..." Darn it. Things turned awkward now. "Anyway, I just got a title. I believe there's something u need to tell me Will~" She then continued, her eyes sparkling at him.

She saw him sweatdropped and that made her laugh.

"I'm waiting~" She grinned at him as she skipped around him.

"F*** you." He just said harshly.

Instead of getting offended, she just laughed and poked him on the arm playfully. "Ohhh come on, Will! It's not my fault you didn't get the title. And cursing at me is not the answer I'm looking for. Try again~"

He crossed his arms and just looked at her like she was crazy. She knew she was bothering him but that didn't stop her.

"Will," She said seriously as she crossed her arms too. A frown evident on her face. "Come on buddy. You know how much I've worked hard just to get that title. How much bullying I endured from you. Don't you think I deserve a 'Congratulations'?"

He sighed. "Congrats." He just said nonchalantly. "You did a good job."

"Wahhhhhhh!" she shouted. She was so happy. So, so, so happy she felt like shouting. Finally! Will finally acknowledged her!

He just looked at her, trying to hide his smile. But she saw it.

"You're happy for me, aren't you?" She teased.

He didn't reply as he crossed his arms once again.

She just giggled and continued dancing around him in happiness. "Thank you so much, Will. I could've never done it without you~"

"You bet you won't." He stated as a matter-of-factly.

"That's true~" She continued skipping around happily.

Then she remembered something. Her water guns! She still didn't use it. She was saving it for him.

She turned to him with an evil glint in her eyes and he glared at her. 

"Don't you dare." He growled as he took out two water guns.

"Oh yes, I will~" She sneered as she brought out three water guns.

And a water fight ensued. They were having so much fun. She was so happy. It had been a long time since they bonded like this.

"Haha!" She taunted. "You don't have any water guns left!"

He started cursing and taking this as a chance, she shot him and suddenly teleported out of South Konoha.

She was running around Mount Myoboku, still laughing, when she saw the world chat.

"Will: Are there any police officers here? I'd like to report a murder case. A Kakashi Beheading Sword hit and run me. It was a direct shot to the head." She read and laughed even more. Will was talking about her! She was currently transformed into Kakashi Beheading Sword while he was Kakashi Make Out Paradise at the moment.

And so, she replied in world chat.

"Whoo! Thank God there's no police here. XD" She typed. "I'd like to admit my crime. I just hit and run a Kakashi Make Out Paradise~"

She then messaged Will. "There, I admitted my crime~"

"Yeah. Saw it."

And after a while, they talked. It was already around 1 AM and she really needs to go to sleep now. And so she said goodnight. And logged off.

But as soon as she went back to the real world, she sighed, and felt tears ran down her face.

One thought ran in her mind, "At least I made the last day fun and memorable. It was the best day of my life. I hope he had fun too."

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