Thanks For The Memories (Part 2) : 5 Years Later

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I had a severe case of lazy-itis with this. But I got my lazy butt off and grabbed my passion and ran with it. ;) If you liked the idea of #Logtina (logan + christina), I suggest you ignore this chapter and pretend it all ended with part 1.

But If you're team #Kristina... This is YOUR ending. Enjoy! xx


I lightly shook as I walked from counter to counter gathering the food I was preparing. The food was almost done, only Logan's "get together" party didn't involve eating as much as it involved drinking.

"Need help?"

A voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I turned to the kitchen entrance to find Logan in a blue dress shirt and black jeans. "I'm nearly done." I pulled out the bread casserole from the oven as I set it down on the table. I began to take off my apron.

Logan pulled away from the wall he was leaning on and set the bottle of beer on the counter as he wrapped his arms around my waist, turned me around to face him and gave me a kiss. "I can't believe we've been married for five years."

"It was like if it was just yesterday." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Why are you trembling?" He pulled away looking at me. His hands took hold of my arms. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I took his hand off my forehead.

"You're warm."

"It's a cold i'm catching don't worry about it." I walked away from him as I opened the refrigerator door. He walked over to me as he slowly spoke.

"You're scared." He stated. I shut the door and looked at him. "Why are you scared? Are you nervous about the guys? James and Carlos always come over."

"No, I'm nervous about you." I admitted, looking down at me wrist to show him. Logan's eyes widened. "You did this Wednesday night after coming back from the bar with Carlos. The one you promised me you wouldn't go."

"I did this?" He grabbed my wrist, looking at the dark bruise and pulled it closer to him. "Why didn't you hit me? Hit me so I could snap out of it."

"I couldn't. You were too strong." His arms wrapped around me as soon as I stopped talking. "Please don't drink tonight."

"I won't, baby. I can't believe I hurt you." He kissed my cheek. "What else did I do?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Logan." I grabbed the plates on the counter and handed them to him.

"I want to know. I need to know." He begged.

We both entered the dining room and set down the plates.

"You got angry and said a bunch of nonsense. There, that is all." I ignored his gaze on me and kept my eyes on the table. I didn't want to upset Logan with the things he had said.

"We're they that bad?" He asked.

"They didn't mean anything. Just don't worry about it." Logan nodded.

The doorbell rang and Logan jumped up.

"It must be the guys." He raced to the door to open it. There stood my long time best friend with her new husband, James.

My best friend and I made up soon after Logan's birthday party five years ago. We became close like we used to be and now that we were both married women, we found time to have a girls night out when the boys had one.

"Look at you!" She ran towards me. "I haven't see you in a while, I miss you so much."

"You're saying Saturday was a long time ago?" I laughed.

Thanks For The Memories ♥ Kristina Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now