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~Lance's POV~

I was standing in front of Keith's pod with Rozalin, Michihiko and Yoongi. Taeko was with others playing, not really understanding what's happening. The others were crying almost everytime. They were saying, that it's happening again, but everytime we ask, they cry again, so we lost hope.

"Do you think mommy will be okay? I don't want that big bad galra to hurt my mommy again." Michihiko asked me.

"We still have no idea what's wrong with him, darling. But, maybe if you would tell me, I could help him. What about that?" he nodded.

"Mommy said, that we can't do anything that's not what you can't, or this will happen. He said, that were clean, but we won't be if we won't get away and we did, so we're clean. When we do a bad thing, we get hurt, when we're happy..." he finishes with teary eyes. He sat down and hugged himself, fully crying.

"Hey, it will be OK. We now know what's going on. We can heal Keith." I said, hugging him.

I walked with the kids to Keith's room. They were all almost sleeping, so I just put them in bed. They were out right away.

"Coran, I know what's with Keith."

"Don't let me wait, my boy!"

"Michihiko said, the galra put something in Keith. When he does something forbidden he gets punished when he's happy. Maybe it's something in his blood that makes him suffer."

He twisted his mustache. "I'm going to make some tests. I'm going to inform you when their out. Go talk with others about the children. Are they sleeping in Keith's room, like I said?" I gave a nod on both. He replied with a smile and I walked to the bridge, where everyone was.

"Lance!" Hunk ran to me. "Do you know yet what's with Keith?!" he looked worried, like always. I chuckled a bit and told him. Everyone was listening too. Pidge was on the edge of crying, Shiro looked somewhat angry and worried, Matt was looking worried and sinking deeper in Shiro's hug. And Allura... Looked concerned, but far away.


I was in front of Keith's pod, looking how peaceful he looked, when suddenly, it opened and Keith fell out unconscious. I quickly caught him, falling in the process.

Right on time, Coran and Shiro walked in. When they saw us, they rushed to us.

"He's out too early..." Coran muttered under his mustache.

We took him to the 'nurse's room' as we call. The rooms connected to the med bay. It's for light injures and sometimes for peaceful naps. We put him on one bed and covered him with one of the thin blankets.

He mumbled something, going deeper into his sleep.

I told to kids, that he's sleeping and he doesn't want to be disturbed.


He woke up four hours later.

I was, with the others, on the bridge, when he just walked in, working about his children. We were all concerned about him, but he didn't care. He just wanted, no needed them.


"So, Keith." I said after the children cried themselves to sleep from the happiness. "What exactly happened?"

"The galra, have some kind of slave obey liquid that they inject into your blood and when you do something forbidden, it will hurt you physically. I was doing some forbidden things, but I wasn't happy, so they stacked and then interfered at the same time."

"And... Do you know what they interfered at?"

"I felt like someone was crushing my organs..." he whispered.

I hesitated for a moment, but I gave him a hug. He was going thru so much...

Keith was relaxed in my arms, breathing steadily and softly. He fell asleep. I scooped him up and layer him on one of the beds next to the one his kids were sleeping on and covered him with thin blanket.


I was walking to the nurse room with Hunk to check on them.

We opened the door and my heart melted from what I've saw.

Keith laid in the same bed, halfway curled up, with his kids using his belly as a pillow. It was so adorable. There was a stool next to his bed.

We walked to them and covered them with blankets.

We wanted to go to the door, when Taeko started to cry, waking up Keith. He was looking around terrified, before relaxing and taking little Taeko in his arms.

"You all should eat. You didn't have anything from the time you stepped in this castle." Hunk said.

Keith just nodded. "I'll wake them up. Wait for me in the kitchen." we walked out. Hunk went to the kitchen and I waited outside for Keith.

He was there ten minutes. Ten. Minutes. What was he doing there? Reading a book?!

I knocked on the door. "I'm coming in!" I said, but waited for the answer. He called out to me and I walked in.

He was on the bed, kids awake with Taeko in his lap. Her head was on his chest and shirt up. He was breastfeeding her. What the actual fuck. "Sorry. Taeko was hungry too, so I'm feeding her. Will you wait for a few?" he said innocently. Innocently. How did he do that!? "Is there something wrong?"

"Y-you're breastfeeding a child..." he nodded his head, like it was obvious. "That's like..... Normal....... For the galra.....? ..... Even though, you're a hybrid?" my head was spinning.

"Duh. I thought it was weirder that I can actually give a life." OK. This is just weird. "I think you should sit down. You look pale." he said worriedly.

I sat down on his bed. Taeko was still sucking, her eyes closed. Keith was brushing her hair back, looking at her and smiling softly. Now that I'm watching it, it's quite adorable.

When she was done, Keith rolled his shirt down and scooped her up, so the could burp.

We walked to the kitchen. Taeko was sleeping on Keith and those three little angels walking before us.

"What took you so long y'all?" Hunk smiled softly to us. He gave us plates with food goo and we put them on the table. Rozalin was happily eating alone, Michihiko too and Keith shared his plate with Yoongi and feeding him.

This was a happy ending after all...

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