Chapter 2 - Hello

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Song: Jessie J - Who's laughing now


"No one can have you, you are mine." A growl is released from inside his chest and my back hits the wall.

"You-you need to stop. Any second now, someone will come in." Looking around the room wildly, I have no way of escaping.

"Let them come," he leans forward, arms either side of my head as his tongue licks from the base of my neck, along my throat to the tip of my chin.

"Please Alpha?" my body shivers as I breathe out my beg.

"Please what?" He snarls through extended canines.

Pulling my leg up and around his hip, he slides his hand down my thigh grasping my butt, pushing his bulging, rock hard member into my dripping wet centre. If my underwear and his pants were not there, he would have slid straight in.

"Let me mark you?" His lips making light work of my decreasing resistance.

"Please, Alpha?" I beg again as electrical surges fly along my veins.

"Please Alpha what, Arabella?" Hearing him say my name into my skin as his tongue danced across the crook of my neck.

"Take me," I whisper.


"Argh!" I let out an all mighty scream in frustration.

These dreams of sexual fantasy come every night, I never see his face but I am always on the verge of being pounded into oblivion when my damn stupid alarm goes off.

Looking to my right, I notice immediately what's wrong. Huh, alone again.


"Sandra, please see our guests in when they arrive." Mr Mathews knocks his knuckles on my desk.

"Yes sir," I nod my head continuing my report typing without looking up.

9 am, like clockwork they start to filter in, most knowing where to head and what to do.

"Excuse me?" I hear a low husky purr, causing a hot wave to run through my entire body.

My eyes slowly look up to meet sex on two legs. His eyes sparkled like gold and his thick black hair framed his tanned face perfectly. Just below his left eye, towards the temple, sat a black beauty spot. My hazel eyes followed down his face to his plump and perfect lips - he was stunning.

"Yes, sir?" I breathed then frowned inwardly at my ridiculous action and cleared my throat.

"My name is Logan McCarlock, I'm here for..." before he could finish his sentence, I recognised his name from the mailing list I sent out two weeks ago.

"Of course, Mr McCarlock, please follow me." I shuffled out from behind my desk and ushered for him to follow.

I was definitely taken by his tall, broad, 6ft 2 frame. He wore a well-tailored black and grey suit with black business shoes, all seemingly hinting at one very muscular and defined body hidden below the clothing.

"In here sir." I opened the boardroom door, just as everyone was greeting one another.

"Thank you, Miss...?" He held out his hand.

"Arabella sir, Arabella Lucia," I shook it, professionally and probably way too fast.

"Arabella." He smiled gently before entering the room as I wobbly walked back to my desk.

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