new life

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I walked into the house with Ibiki. I looked around. It was a pretty simple house a lot nicer than the cell I lived in my whole life. Ibiki gave me a tour. On the bottom floor were a living room kitchen and dining room. On the top floor were two bedrooms and a bathroom. Ibiki showed me to my room and it was really simple. Just a bed cupboard and mirror.

"Oh by the way kid considering I'm your legal guardian now I thought I should give you a name. Shizuko and you'll be taking on my last name." Ibiki explained.

I have a name. Shizuko. I actually have a name. A small smile came to my face as I enjoyed saying my name in my head. Ibiki left to let me explore my room. I walked around in and ended up sitting on the bed.  After about five minutes Ibiki came to my room looking at me with a conflicted expression. I tilted my head to the side confused to the look on his face.

"I have to go to TI for an emergency but I don't want to leave you alone." Ibiki said thinking.

I just watched him. He soon grabbed my hand and we walked through the streets. We soon made it to buildings walked me in and onto a room where a man with a scar on his nose stood looking at paper. When we entered he looked at us and when he saw me he slightly smiled.

"Iruka I have to go to TI for an emergency can I leave the kid with you?" Ibiki asked.

Iruka nodded and I was left in the room. I stood there nervous. What was I suppose to do? Who I believe to be Iruka walked up and kneeled in front of me with a smile.

"You must be Shizuko the child Ibiki adopted." Iruka said.

I gave a small nod and he smiled more. He led me and sat me at I table.

"I'm glad we get to meet is soon. I'll be catching you up on what you missed in the academy so when it starts up again you can be in a class with people your age." He explained.

I gave a small nod. He kept smiling and sat next to me and put a pencil and a piece of paper in front of me. He began teaching me how to read and write and I was catching on pretty quickly apparently I should be struggling but if you grew up where I did learning fast is essential or you'll die. After a few hours, Ibiki came back.

"How is she?" Ibiki asked.

"She's good. She's actually a fast learner. Also, you have to get her clothes she can't just live in a hospital robe." Iruka said.

Realisation crossed Ibiki's face and he signalled for me to come to him. I listened and he walked me through the streets and we came to a shop with clothes on it. I looked around at the fancy clothes. I scrunched my nose in disapproval. I didn't want to put on super fancy stuff. I heard a laugh and I looked at Ibiki to see him laughing.

"Pick out what you like and try it on." He expected.

I looked around but couldn't find anything and after awhile Ibiki sighed before throwing me a random outfit. I walked into the change rooms and looked into the mirror and a blush came to my face. 

I wore a stripy peachy coloured singlet that had a pink cardigan over that had a flower on it. I also wore short black pants with a white trim. I wore striped back and pink sockes but one was higher than the other but I couldn't be bothered to straighten them.

I walked out looking down and Ibiki slightly smiled.

"That's good let's get going." He said.

We walked out and Ibiki paid for the cloths. He showed me around the village and I found myself inching closer to him uncomfortable with the crowd and I soon found myself slightly gripping onto Ibiki's shirt. I felt him look down at me. I blushed realising how weak I looked. I stepped away from him and just looked at the ground.

As I was looking to the ground I headbutted into someone and fell to the ground. I looked up to see the young boy with bright yellow hair and blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He said in a panic.

He reached his hand out to me and I took it. He lifted me up and I dusted myself off.

"Wait you're the girl I bumped into yesterday. Well, I guess I should introduce myself. The names Naruto Uzumaki and I'll be Hokage one day, believe it." he said with enthusiasm.

I grabbed his hand shocking him and wrote my name with my finger in the palm of his hand.

"Shizuko." He said.

I gave him a small nod and he smiled brightly at me.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Shizuko. I hope we can hang out sometime." He said happily.

I gave a small nod and he soon ran off. I watch as he ran and something caught my eyes. All the villages glared at him with cold, hatred filled eyes. They then turned to me and also glared. I got closer to Ibiki and he wrapped an arm around my body protectively. He led me back home and I sat down on the couch. However, I soon grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a question on it then handed it to Ibiki.

It said. Why did the villages glare at the Naruto boy?

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is how you feel about him and how you treat him." Ibiki said firmly.

I gave a small nod and kept thinking about those looks. How cold their eyes were. Why were their eyes so cold. Naruto seemed like a nice guy despite us meeting both times by me bumping into him and fall over.

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