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Ethan's POV

Ugh. School. I sighed and got off the bus walking up to the front doors. I opened it and was faced with the rowdy school halls filled with kids throwing a football around, some guys with girls pinned to the lockers making out with them. Ew. And worst of all, Maddie and the B squad.

Ah. The B squad. The leader of the group, Maddie Bulough. Don't get me wrong, she is really cute with her long black hair and sparkling green eyes. But inside those eyes is pure evil.

In her squad consists of the two other B girls also known as Maddies minions. Britany and Jenny. Britany has had so many boyfriends just like Maddie and Jenny. They fuck guys and leave them.

I walked to my locker where there was a couple making out. It was disgusting.

"Move." They tore apart and looked at me. They both scoffed and walked away. I rolled my eyes and opened my locker.

"Hi Ethan." I herd Noel's voice say from beside me but I ignored her.

"Hello?" Once again I ignored her and continued to put stuff away.


"You might not want to talk to him." Maddies voice rang from behind me.


"He doesn't talk to people. He's mean to everyone ever since -" I cut her off by slamming my locker shut.

"Shut up."

"What? You still can't face the fact about what happened to your brother?" I turned around and Maddie was smiling at me while her 'minions' snickered from behind.

"Will you stop!" I snarled through gritted teeth while glaring at her.

"Fyi new girl, you don't want to talk to him. He's hated people since the incident."

"He was nice yesterday." She said getting confused.

"Ethan Dolan? Nice? Pu-lease. Were you with his brother also?" I glared at Maddie and I could feel my blood boiling.


"Then of course he was nice. When he's with his brother he has to be nice so Grayson's happy." She evilly smiled at me.

"Shut up!" I raised my voice.

"Well it's true right?"

"You bitch." I seethed through gritted teeth followed by slamming my hand on my closed locker before storming off.

Noel's POV

What is wrong with him? He was so nice Yesterday and now he's rude. The bell rang and I asked someone for help getting to my class.

"Sure, what class?" He asked. I looked down at my schedule. 

"Umm, art." I looked up at him. He smiled to me.

"I have the same class. My names Dom."

"Hi Dom. I'm Noel." I smiled back to him. He showed me the way to the classroom and we both went inside for the lesson.

Grayson's POV

"Gray!" Mom called from downstairs.


"I'm gonna go to the store, do you want anything?" I thought for a second.

"No i think I'm good. I'll call you if I need anything."

"Ok. Bye honey."

"Bye mom!" The sound of the front door closing made me stand up and grab my crutches. I sighed and used them to go downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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