This Hellhole Called "Reality"

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Each day I awaken is yet another harsh reminder

Of the differences between this world

And the one I reign over

In the dreamscape, no blood is shed, no tears spilt

In stark contrast with the brutal and foolish wars

Created by the imbeciles of mankind

In my universe, I am free to be wherever I choose

Unlike this cursed earth, where I am anchored

Forever to a pit of negativity

In my world, everybody is immortal, never passing away

But in this tragic landscape, death is a presence

That never leaves me be

In the corners of my subconscious, I need not fear any violence from anybody

Only to see the broken bodies and torn spirits everywhere

When I must inevitably open my eyes once more

In this vast, ever changing plane of imagination, my friends never leave me

And yet in this land of ever-growing loneliness, I can only watch

As they fade into the setting sun

In the heart of this inner realm, I find myself wishing for eternal release

From the agony that this material world gives to me daily

Never ceasing, never merciful.

For these reasons, and many more that I have yet to experience and witness,

I wish that I could stay in this dream world forever, never returning

To this hellhole called "reality"

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