|| C h a p t e r 3 ||

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  "We'll figure it all out. I can understand if you don't want to be here. What do you want to do?" I felt shock reverberate through my system as I was given the choice.
  "I-I uhh," I paused half-way through my awkwardness. "I'd like to stay with you for now if that's okay." Kaden smiled. I hope that wasn't misinterpreted. "I mean," I hastily corrected. "I will stay here for now until it's safer to return to my Kingdom." I rubbed my arm in embarrassment as Kaden laughed heartily.
 "Right then," He looked towards the masses of trees lining the water's edge. "Let's go. We have a while before we reach civilisation." I nodded.

  "How much longer until we get to civilisation?" I asked, glancing upwards toward Kaden's face. He had tousled tawny bronzed hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising incandescent taupe, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined, his features seemingly moulded from granite. He had dark eye brows, which sloped downwards in an easygoing manner expression. I refrained from looking at him anymore. I had always been told it was rude to stare. 
  "Not too long," He replied, looking down at me. "A couple hours maybe." I sighed, exhaustion beginning to settle within my bones. There's a kind of tired that needs a good night's sleep, and another that needs so much more. For me, I needed both. I needed to rest so I could face tomorrow with my head held high and I needed to rest my mind from it's marathon. It had begun to run effortlessly for miles although now it too needed rest, rest from all the fearful running, the fearful running of going back to being atop a pedestal, the prime picture of oppression and inequality. 
  "How could you think that a couple of hours equals 'not much longer'?" I asked incredulously. Kaden suddenly screamed out in pain, legs shaking, knees buckling. He crouched on the floor, hands pressed into the moist dirt. 
  "Argh!" I looked down at him worriedly, the sound of his pain causing me to crouch down beside him, left hand resting on his shoulder while I looked into his eyes, trying to find out what was wrong. 
  "What's wrong! Are you alright?" Kaden clutched his wound with such a ferocity it worried me. He was in apparent agony. Soon enough, I could see the faint specks of blood pattern his pale clothing. He lay down, scrunching his eyes in pain, teeth brushing against each other tightly. I need something to stop the bleeding. "Remove your upper garment," I stated, crouching down beside him once more, trying to see through the foreign fabrics. 
  "Ok, but why?" I looked back at his face as he looked at mine with bewilderment etched clearly within his features. 
  "I can apply pressure on the wound by tying your garment around it," I told him, sitting back so he could take it off. I didn't want to be in the way of swiftly moving arms. 
  "Here you go," he grunted, handing me his shirt as he moved around on the floor. My goodness. There was only one word to describe the sun-kissed Kaden. Where his eyes were the green of fresh dew glinting in the sunlight off a leaf of green emerald. His lips were pale and thin and his nose slender and rounded. A prominent jaw curved gracefully around and the strength of his neck showed in the twining cords of muscle that shaped his entire body; strong arms, bold thighs and calves, a firm chest and abdomen. His sharp jaw, chin, and cheekbones were hard not to look at. On either side of his straight nose were two blazing hazel eyes. Spiked, warm brown fringed with smooth green. His dark brows were actually graceful. All of it was framed by thick, warm bronzed curls. Muscles rippled across every part of his body. He was obviously a seasoned warrior. I can't help but stare. I've never seen a man without his attire before. 
"Are you blushing?" Kaden asked, looking at coral coloured cheeks. "You've probably never seen a shirtless guy before." His lips fell into the form of a smirk and if it hadn't been for the trail of blood, I might have swooned. I coughed in embarrassment. 
  "Lay down so I may tend your wound," I breathed, looking away as I busied myself with preparing everything which wasn't much. 

  "How do you know how to do this?" Kaden asked, looking at me while I fiddled with his wound. 
  "How to do what?" I ignored the urge to look at his face, instead focusing on my breathing and how to gentle my hands as to not hurt Kaden. 
  "How to. ." he paused, trying to find the right words. "You know. Fix me."
  "Well, I used to observe the nurses in the infirmary when my father was ill," I took my hands off his torso as my fingers gingerly shook. I smiled gently, shaking my head to rid myself of those memories. "This'll have to do for now," I said, taking my hands from his muscled figure and placing my hands in my lap. "You must get the wound treated when we arrive at your town." I held out a hand to help him up which he accepted shyly. He looked at me, upper garment wrapped around his wound. 
 "So, uh-" I smiled, cutting him off. 
  "It's fine, don't worry," eyes closing as I smiled gently at him, my version of joy. 
  "I'm still going to thank you," Kaden said. "Thank you for helping me twice." 
  "It was nothing really."
  "You must be hungry, tired and thirsty," Kaden murmured, changing the topic. I sighed. I could be modest as I was taught or I could be honest. There was no one around to judge me so I may as well be honest right? But I doubt the Acier lessons could leave me quite so easily. But I wanted to enjoy my freedom while I could. 
  "I'm ravenous and parched! My throat is burning up like those sandstorms that plague the country! Not to mention I'm exhausted, we've been walking for a majority of the two days we've had together," Kaden's laughter filled the air and I sighed. 
  "Let's rest here," Kaden smiled. "I'll find something that we can eat and drink." He turned to go into the masses of trees and I began to feel unsafe. 
  "Wait," I called out. He turned around, light confusion sparkling in his eyes, an unanswered and silent question. "Please, hurry back." Kaden grinned. 
  "Will you begin to miss me?" His voice took on a tone of flirtation almost although I'd think it was mere banter. 
  "No, I simply don't want to be left alone in a Nation I hardly know about," I replied in a logical tone, glad the darkness hid my fiery cheeks. 
  "I'll be right back, no need to worry," Kaden shook his head in an almost affectionate manner before walking off. 

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