Chapter 2: The Second

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If Arcker could've gotten away with skipping today, he would've. To say he was worried today would be an understatement. Of course, he's met with most of the other seconds before and has been acquaintanced with a couple. What Arc was worried about was meeting the Night Court's second. Amren was the scariest person he's ever heard of and today he would meet her. Vaily had tried to calm his fears this morning but, unfortunately, it didn't work too well.

Arc and Alba, the Third, just met the members of the Night Court and they both had very different reactions for seeing the people they would associate with over the next couple of days. His friend looked as if she had seen an angel come down from the heavens. Arc had seen how those lights in her stellar blue eyes had lit up like they did years ago. After seeing the Morrigan, he swore that Alba's golden skin started glowing as if the sun was hitting her.

Arc, on the other hand, wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there. Amren stared at him like Archer had just broken her favorite piece of jewelry and, walking through an empty corridor, he was trying everything to calm his nerves and unfortunately nothing was working. He turned a corner that led to the gardens, one of his favorite places that, conveniently, always seemed to calm his nerves about anything. Arc sat on the bench nearest to the fountain and ran his hands through his dark brown hair.

If he were being honest, Amren wasn't the only thing that was worrying him these days. The only relief was that his work had died down a little bit now that there weren't any major problems going on involving the Dawn Court. Vaily had told him earlier this week that she was expecting and even though they were both centuries old, he felt as if neither of them were ready. He celebrated with her and was happy at the thought of it but there was still some doubt in him. He wasn't necessarily scared but worried about what would happen to his mate and child if something went wrong. 

Before he could get really swooped up into his concerns, the sound of somebody walking towards him snapped Arc out of his thoughts. He looked up and immediately regreted it. Amren was walking toward him and somehow she looked less scary than she did this morning.

"If you're crying, I will leave you here." With a smirk she sat down next to him and looked towards the fountain and the view beyond. "Peaceful." She said and Arc couldn't help but agree. The fountain was made of pure white marble and the water was the most beautiful blue he had ever seen. Pink petals floated in the water and, if you were lucky, at the end of each month the water would glow. Rumor has it that the water has magical healing properties but nobody has ever tested it. Beyond that was a beautiful garden full of roses and lilies and a very, very good view of the mountains that covered a lot of the Court. "It is but it looks better at sunrise."

The other second turned to look at Arcker and he turned to look at her. The smirk on the woman's face grew wicked and fear started creeping into his stomach. "I didn't think you would actually talk to me after earlier." A chuckle left her mouth and, surprising Arc, one left his mouth too. "You're scary, but not the scariest thing I've encountered."

"Let me guess, the scariest thing is that pregnant wife of yours?" Arcker had never moved faster in his life. In half a second he was on his feet and in front of the Second. He raised an eyebrow and was about to speak but she raised up a hand to silence him. "Before you ask, it's my job to know these things and it's yours too."

Calming down a little, Arc sat down and put his face in his hands. "I don't know what to do. I mean, I'm happy about the baby and everything but I dont think we're ready and I can't tell her that."

Amren cleared her throat, "Well, when being thousands of years old you pick up a couple of things. Suck it up. Your wife needs you and unless you want to lose her you better man up."

"I guess-" Arc started but was cut off. "You guess? No, you're going to take my advice and do it because like you said you don't know what to do. Now, if you don't mind I have a meeting to prepare for and you do too."

And with that Amren stalked off. Arc watched her leave and decided that he would take her "advice". He would be strong for his wife and future child if it were the only thing he could do. Arcker Techare stood and went to go prepare for the meeting he was not so nervous for anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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