What is The Truth?

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  • Dedicated to David Holbert (My Daddy)

 Chapter 1: The Flight

   I finally did it. I was flying. I wasn't in a plane. skydiving, riding on a giant bird, or using wings. I am just a regular human being and i am flying like Peter Pan. He was my hero growing up. i wanted to be just like him. I wanted to embrace the experience of flying. I ran in a strait line, faster, faster, and faster! Then i bent my knees down low and jumped off the ground. I soared up to the tip of a cliff feeling my hair flap behind me. I lowered my self and landed on the very edge of the cliff and quickly turned around. I peered down the cliff seeing my footprints way down below in the dust. My friends all laughed at me, as did my family. They said flying was impossible. I choose to believe that the only thing that is impossible is slamming a revolving door. (Sadly i learned that from experience.) I ran along the edge of the cliff to realize that it  was a plateau. I sprinted towards the end of the plateau, increasing my momentum, and fell off the edge. I stretched my arms out as if i were a plane, and closed my eyes. Right before i hit the ground, i swooped upward and flew at cloud level. Everything i knew was wrong. I could stand on clouds. They were just as soft and fluffy as they looked, maybe even more. Stars wern't in  space, they were scattered around the clouds. They wern't even the "balls of gasses burning up in space" that i learned about in science. If you got really close to them, you could see that they were crystals joined together. Part of me knew that this is impossible, The other part was a mix of not wanting to believe its implausibility and knowing that i was experiencing it right now. The world at this moment, belonged to me, and only me. It would remain mine because i would never be ignorant enough to let it escape my grasps. Everyone doubted me. They all thought i was crazy and needed "help", I only had an overactive imagination. I still do. Things i think of can materialize right in front of me. How else do you think i can fly. I have wanted to fly for ages. I listened to Peter Pan records, watched the Walt Disney movies, the other movies made from various other film studios. I watched those movies again and again to figure out how to fly. Sure there was the obvious "Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust" I tried to think of what these things meant. Once i figured out that, I knew i could fly. I had found out the truth. But i think i should go back several years and show you how i flew and explain what the truth is.

I'm super proud of this! I know it's a short start but i am excited to where it will lead! Part of this was actually a dream i had. It is hard to describe the sensation, but once you experience it, you will never forget it!. I will add another chapter soon!

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