Floating down the icy river and Battle for the North Pole

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On the large chunk of the ice bridge which is now their little boat, they floated over the ice cold water of the cave. "We should've known that ice would break under our weight." Sailor Mars should've told them to cross one at a time instead of all at once. "What matters now is that we're still alive." Said Tinsel. Luna and Artemis nod in agreement with the little elf. Sailor Venus saw the cave river current is getting a little faster. "Um... guys!" She spotted the rapids they were drifting towards to. Sailor Chibi Moon cries out in fear using Sailor Saturn's silence glaive trying to paddle away from the rapids but it wasn't working.

They rode down the icy rapids and the ice flow bounced, flipped over a few times shook like a ragdoll on a trampoline filled with lots of sugar rushed children jumping on it.

"I see a light!" Cried Sailor Pluto. They all saw it too and it with the icy water rushing even fast it meant one thing, "Waterfall!!!!" Sailor Moon takes Pluto's garnet rod and tries to paddle away along with Chibi Moon doing the same with Saturn's silence glaive but it wasn't working as they went down icy falls.

They all fell which got them out the ice cave they crashed into in that sleigh accident.

A bubble came up from the surface and floated to the shore. "That was crazy, Tinsel." Said Sailor Jupiter clinging to Sailor Uranus and Neptune. "This ice bubble acts like a fail safe for us elves and we use a secret formula to create it." Explained the elf. "How do you get out of here?" Sailor Moon says pushing across the snowy shore. "Sailor Moon wait don'..." As she pushed over they began to roll into a really big snowball. "We're rolling again!" Yelled Luna. "I'm not sure if I should throw up or throw down!" Sailor Chibi Moon says tumbling with the others down a snow hill at top speed.

The snowball was rolling a super sonic speed and crashed into something causing it to shatter and hit the obstacle that they crashed into and fall on the snowy surface. "At least we didn't get hurt." A pile of snow fell on Sailor Moon and Chibiusa looked up to see a red and white striped pole with a sign above that said "North Pole". "We made it... we made it!!!" Tinsel says excitedly shaking each of them up. "We're at the North Pole!" Luna says looking at the sign.

A terrifying screech pounded against their eardrums when a shadow beast appeared.
This was was pitch black with glowing red eyes and razor sharp teeth and it was bigger than ever. Sailor Mercury remembers the plan she and Tinsel discussed and puts it into action not before she throws two beautiful shining gold brooches to Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon that land perfectly on their current brooches making them shine brightly than any other display of Christmas lights that can make a neighborhood go blind. "What's happening to us?!"

"Calm down, Sailor Moon and Small Lady, and just call out, Neo Moon Power Make Up." Both of them nodded. "NEO MOON POWER MAKE UP!!!"

Out of the light emerged was Neo Sailor Moon and Neo Sailor Chibi Moon

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Out of the light emerged was Neo Sailor Moon and Neo Sailor Chibi Moon. Neo Sailor Moon held a staff with the Legendary Silver Crystal on top of the crescent moon of the staff. Luna's eyes sparkled at the sight of her new powerful form. Sailor Mercury went first with her bubble spray attack making things all misty for the Shadow Beast to not see where to attack its prey. "Mars Flame Sniper!" A fire arrow struck at the Shadow Beast making it shriek. "Jupiter Thunder Smash!" Sailor Jupiter uses her electric thunder power clearing a path for them. "Look over there!" Sailor Mars says pointing at the little elf village of the North Pole which doesn't look very cute and colorful like before that many children and grownups imagined it would look like now, a big Christmassy war zone with Shadow Beasts lurking around and elves running and hiding from them.

"This is not how I imagine what the North Pole looks like?" Said Neo Sailor Chibi Moon.

As they made their way through the Pole, they arrived at Santa's Workshop to find a really, really big Shadow Beast. It was five times as big as the others they fought getting here. "Tinsel!"
"Santa! I brought Sailor Moon and her team here and they're gonna defeat this thing and save Christmas." Said the elf before the Shadow Beast smacked her across the room hitting the wall. "Tinsel!!" They cried. "Don't worry about me, I'm sure as the jingle bell on my hat, you'll be able to stop this thing and save Christmas as a together, as a team. I believe in you all." Sailor Neptune gives a nod as they begin to attack the Shadow Beast.

Their attacks didn't seem to cause a lot of damage to it and it seems to make it madder.

The Shadow Beast was about to finish off Sailor Moon when a rose with a holly struck at it. She looked to see Tuxedo Mask on the broken window's edge.

"Tuxedo Mask!"
"Don't give up, Sailor Moon, believe that you and the team can save Christmas."

Neo Sailor Chibi Moon caused some damage to the Shadow Beast and it gave Neo Sailor Moon a chance to deliver the final blow. She flew up with the staff in her hands aiming for it yelling, "Neo Silver Crystal Power Strike!!!" The workshop was enveloped in a very bright white light making the creature shriek and screech as it gets eradicated.

She lands on the ground with the staff in her hands with her long light blond bun headed hair and flowing white cape flowing softly.

"You did it, Sailor Moon!" "I knew you could do it." "Christmas is saved!" The elves from the workshop crowded around Sailor Moon and her team congratulating them for defeating the Shadow Beasts.

A certain jolly old elf wanted to congratulate them personally. "Santa Claus?" Rei wanted to do a double take but there was no denying that he is real. "Usagi, Neo Sailor Moon, I want to thank each and every one of you all for saving us." The bun headed sailor senshi smiled at him as she holds Tuxedo Mask's hand and the little pink haired sailor senshi. "Santa, where did the Shadow Beasts come from and how did they appear?" Asked Sailor Mercury. "Right this way, girls." Tinsel was being helped by two other elves.

Santa Claus led them to a special room which had the lists of every person, past, present, even future. "You know how I always make a list and check it twice to sew who's naughty or nice?" They all nodded. "Well, it turns out that the with the strange increase of naughtiness, it seems that the first Shadow Beast appeared attacking everyone and one of our elves discovered the source." An elf named Jingles typed a name in and the image of a teenage boy with red hair, freckles, brown eyes wearing a black rock and roll t-shirt making a very rude hand gesture came up on the screen. "This is Brian Jenkins. He is 18 years old who lives with his parents in New York City, New York, just dropped out of Yale University," "A very big mistake if you ask me," said Jingles, "right, he recently got into a huge fight with his family and was kicked out of his home by his parents after having enough of him." They all listened as Santa went on about this guy. "He caused the Shadow Beasts to attack and almost destroy Christmas?" Said Sailor Venus. "I am afraid so and," "you want us to confront him?" Sailor Jupiter says to jolly elf. "Confront him yes, but not with violence." The senshi in green nodded in understanding to not beat Brian senseless for almost destroying Christmas for everyone.

"What are we gonna do?"

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