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Raina's POV.

A few days had passed. Raina and Luke had been very distant. Raina was in her room reading when she heard a knock at the door.

Raina shut her book and got up off her bed.

"Just a minute!" She called.

Raina felt who it was at the door. Her spirits rose. She opened the door and greeted Jacen with a smile.

"Hello Jacen!"

Jacen stood there with a determined look.

"I've thought about it and. . .I want to become a Jedi."

Raina smiled in pride.

She nodded at him. "Very well, come in."

He nodded and walked in. Jacen stood awkwardly in the middle of the room as Raina closed the door. She turned around to him.

"This is a very important decision you're making, Jacen." She warned.

He nodded seriously. "I know."

Raina grinned kindly. She eyed a chair behind him. "Sit."

Jacen did as he was told.

Raina sat down in a chair across from him. "So I take it you talked to your mother?" She asked.

"I did." He nodded. "She was surprisingly very supportive. I had expected her to try and talk me out of it, but instead she encouraged me to go. Although she does want to meet you and Master Skywalker in truth this time." He told her.

Raina gave a nod. "Understandably so. Speaking for both Master Skywalker and I, we will make sure to go and see her soon." Raina assured him.

"Now, there are some things we should discuss. Though I'm sure you will hear the same from Lu-Master Smywalker." She corrected herself.

Jacen nodded and listened.

"When you decide to become a Jedi Knight, you decide to give your life to the Jedi Order and most of all to the Light Side if the Force. This means all you do from then on is for the good of the order, the galaxy and republic. It also means that you no longer think about your wants or wishes. All your actions and wants should be decided by the Force. Not by you." She explained.

Jacen thought momentarily about her words then looked up and nodded. "I understand."

Raina smiled. "Good."

She looked to the door. She needed to go and tell Luke. She dreaded seeing him after what had happened a few days before, but she had to do it.

Raina put on a polite smile and looked back at Jacen. "Well, if you'll excuse me for a moment I'll go inform Master Skywlaker that you've Meade your decision. If you'll just wait here, I'll only be a moment."

Jacen nodded. Raina left her room and walked to Luke's room. She paused before knocking. She closed her eyes and released a breath. She knocked.

After a moment of silence Luke's voice called through the door. "Come in!"

She opened the door. Luke was siting in his bed with Artoo in front of him. He must have been discussing something with the droid.

Raina cleared her throat, feeling very awkward. "Hi. Um. . . the boy I told you about, Jacen Rehala. . .?"

Luke nodded. "Yeah, well. . .he made his decision. He wants to become a Jedi."

Luke smiled. "That's great!"

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