Chapter 1 Out of the lab

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In the end, I found myself outside, sitting on the steps to our apartment. Fat raindrops fell from the dark sky, slathering the cracked pavement  and washing the grime away. I stood up, pulling my hood over my head as I took off into the rain.

Rolling down the sidewalk on my skateboard, I just wanted to get away from it all. All the stress that built up when you have to move again. It sucked. I wish I had a say in it but I didn't, my dad wouldn't listen to me anyways. I turned down in an alleyway, I've claimed this place as my hide away when we came here.

It opened up into this square clearing in between two other apartments.

I and a couple neighbors helped me put a tarp on the top to keep the rain out. It was one of my favorite spots in the city. I ducked inside and got off my skateboard, Sitting down near some crates. They were empty, the shop keeper down the street gave them to me for chairs.

I let out a deep sigh, glaring back at the downpour. My troubles couldn't just wash away. That was something that only happened in fairy tales.


Where was I... these people stare at me... like the scientists... Daemon Z had left the secret laboratories, nestled in a circle of dense trees. He came out into a park where people watched the birds in the lake on rainy days. A little girl came up to him, followed by her dog. She looked up at him with big brown eyes. "Are you OK?" She asked in a shrill voice that hurt Daemon's ears. He looked to her tiny dog. It was growling nervously. "You look lost," the little girl continued. "I'll take you to my mama. She'll know what to do."

Without Daemon's say, the little girl took Daemon's hand and took him away with her, to mama. This little human wasn't like the scientists... were there good people?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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