Chapter 14

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Skeat stood by the door. Miki back a little further. The pulse pistol in his hand and ready for action. Wrinkles remained in Tarlan snout. His teeth beared more with each passing minute. Jemzi, upside down, dug her claws into the ceiling, her tail twitching with suspense. They all heard the call. The voice from the radio informed they were about to be taken to Kieetah. Without a word, they took their positions ready for the door to squeal on its small wheels and slide open to reveal their enemy.

Skeat drifted off in her own thoughts. What will the enemies moves be? What will be waiting for us next? She jumped as the sound of footsteps reached her ears. Miki shifted his weight. Tarlan’s teeth showed right to the gum and Skeat tried her hardest to blend in with the darkness behind her.

The door clicked and begun to slide. Tarlan release a small blue flame from his nostrils and held steady. The bright light washed away the darkness at the door, at the same time plunging Skeat and Miki into the shadows. Unseen by anyone standing before Tarlan.

"Hey stop that!" One of the three Deltarian’s cried. Blasters in there hands and eyes squinted for something to aim at.

Now! Skeat thought.

Miki fired. A plasma burst hit the middle Deltarian’s chest. The smell of burning scales stung Skeat's nose and she leapt forward. The hit Deltarian fell backwards. As if in slow motion, the other two moved to pull the trigger. Skeat grabbed the weapon’s muzzle, shoved it upwards and twisted it out of the Deltarian’s grip. From the corner of her eye, the third flew into the air as Jemzi sunk his claws in.

Shouts echoed from behind their fallen escorts as Skeat swung her tail around. She struck the last standing Deltarian in the chest before leaping for the dark brown one racing towards them.

More of the evil Glider’s followers ran around the corner towards them. “Prisnors have escaped,” she heard one call.

The heat from Miki’s plasma pistol brushed past her shoulder as he continued to fire.

Tarlan and Jemzi flew out into the sunlight to join the fight. Both dragons descended on the surprised Deltarians with claws and teeth. The frightened reptiles flew through the air as Tarlan swatted them away. He extended his wings ready to take flight.

Skeat struck another two with her tail. Her hopes dropped as the large grey monster stepped around the corner with a ground quaking crunch. We have to get out now!

She snatched a dropped blaster and aimed the weapon toward the grey monster.

The projectile exploded form the weapon’s end and collided with the monster’s scales. He roared. In the narrow space, the sound was deafening. Skeat couldn’t hear her own thoughts as the blaster slipped from her grip in favour of her ears.

Tarlan flung the rest of the Deltarians aside with a sweep of his tail before turning his attention to the grey dragon.

The monster snarled at the escaping group. Skeat took a step back as the dragon progressed forward with another ground quake. The bullet penetrated his scale, not effective enough.

The monster swiped, his large claws catching Tarlan in the side.

“Tarlan!” Skeat yelled as Tarlan crashed into a solid wall. She expected his to jump back to his feet with a snarl. Instead he slumped to the floor.

Skeat froze at the sight of Tarlan’s limp dorsal spikes. Did that monster just kill Tarlan? No, this can’t happen. She told herself and ran towards him.

The monster dragon slapped at her. She jumped, avoiding his fingers by a scale width.

Miki fired the pistol. The small blue burst exploded on the monsters front leg scales. He snarled and turned her attention towards the little green Glider.

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