Chapter twenty-seven ~ O.W.L's

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"I have read the books, gone through my notes since first year and I've even gone to the library to read some side-books that might be good for more perspectives on the questions. Do you recall that's enough?" said Hermione as me and her were on our way toward the Transfiguration class. It was only a week until our O.W.L's would start and she was nervous she hadn't read enough. As if.

"I've only read this year's book," I said.

She stared at me.

"Haven't you made any notes during your first years? I mean – the O.W.L's will make sure we know everything we've learned up until now, how can you not have read any other books?" Hermione was looking straight out like a maniac, as she hadn't brushed her hair this morning and her eyes were bulging out from the lack of sleep.

I halted outside the closed door into the classroom, leaning against the wall.

"It will be fine," I said, "it's not even certain that I will continue my education after this year."

Hermione gasped.

"W-what do you mean?" she asked.

I told her what Umbridge had said during the career advice meeting with McGonagall, that I had bad records and for some reason only had an Exchange Student application for this year.

"But you must go here next year!" said Hermione. "They can't just kick you out! I've been doing so well, haven't you?"

I shrugged. "Better than ever before." This was the first year I had actually tried to get good grades during class.

"It's awful, that toad can't have you leave just like that," said Hermione.

"Yeah well, McGonagall did say something about people looking over my files at the moment," I said, suddenly remembering her input on more competent people. "I should probably ask her about it, shouldn't I?"

Hermione nodded eagerly.

"Yes, it's after all your complete future on the line," she said.

"Fine, I will ask her after class," I decided. "It's not like... – oh my god – look!"

I grabbed onto Hermione's shoulders and spun her around to get the vision of what I was looking at. Down the stairs came Harry and Ron, walking beside them was Draco. My jaw dropped as I saw them sincerely talking to each other. Like – really talking – without insults or any indication of wanting to draw their wands against each other.

"What was that all about?" I asked immediately as Ron and Harry approached us while Draco walked off towards Blaise, Pansy and Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry shrugged. "He wanted to talk."


"About...stuff..." said Ron.

I narrowed my eyes at them, crossing my arms over my chest and tapped my foot against the floor. That was not a good enough answer.

"Fine," said Harry, "he asked about you."


"Yes," said Harry, "he wanted to make sure you were all right."

"All right after what?" I asked. We hadn't spoken since his breakdown in the trophy room, but then again, we hadn't had any time. Everyone was reading for their O.W.L's and with the curfew so early and all the detentions – there were no time to spare.

Ron shrugged. "I don't know."

"And then we discussed the upcoming O.W.L's schedule," said Harry.

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