Drive Me Crazy, Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

THE REST OF THE WEEK ZOOMED BY in a blur of activities and after-school text message marathon with the last person Lizzie expected herself to end up being text buddies with. Megan was right about Zac Harrison; he was one sweet, chivalrous and gosh-darn good-looking guy who doesn't seem fazed by his rising popularity amongst the female population of Wilcott High. He was becoming popular amongst the school's male population as well, but it mostly had something to do with his fashion style; he seemed to be able to pull off pretty much any style and still looked delectable with whatever he was wearing - and it was only Wednesday; imagine what he had planned to wear for the rest ofthe school year!

Lizzie and Megan added another person to their usual duo during lunch period. Zac was more than happy to sit outside on the grass under some random tree shading them from the sun and talk about homework, work, or when one of their favourite TV series would have its season premiere during their almost hour-long lunch break.

Despite of his growing popularity, Zac wasn't letting all the attention get to his head. In fact he was doing his best to play down the preppy-boy-slash-fashion-trendsetter stigma that he somehow accidentally tagged himself when he showed up on the first day of school sporting all designer everything.

"You two should really take me shopping," Zac blurted out in the middle of their lunch period Thursday afternoon. He was seated crossed legged across his two new female BFFs partaking on a homemade sandwich made by Megan and shared by the three of them. Tomorrow it was his turn to prepare their lunch.

Lizzie, who was laying on the grass beside Megan, lifted her head a few inches off the ground and pushed her sunglasses over her head. She cocked an eyebrow as she looked at Zac dumbfounded. She glanced up to check on Megan's reaction and she too was shocked to hear those words come out of Zac's mouth.

"Shopping for what?" Lizzie asked since Megan seemed to have swallowed her tongue.

"Clothes of course," was Zac's nonchalant reply.

"What's wrong with your clothes?" Megan finally found her voice. She looked at his outfit for today and quirked an eyebrow. He was still sporting a very summery look with his white golf shirt with some red and black lines design and jeans folded up capri-pants length style and capping the ensemble off with a pair of black & white Pumas.

Zac sat up straighter and looked down at what he was wearing. Nothing's wrong with his clothes per se, but the style and the names on the tags were what was bothering him.

"My clothes stands out," he admitted.

Lizzie and Megan just rolled their eyes at him. Lizzie's head fell back on the ground while Megan returned her attention back to the assignment she was trying to finish before the start of next class.

"I'm serious here," he insisted trying to get his two newfound friends' attention back.

"Yeah, yeah," Lizzie just waved him off and continued catching a few Zs before third block. "In case you're forgetting, we're in high school - everybody wants to stand out," she reminded him.

"But I don't want to stand out," he argued.

Lizzie and Megan exchanged looks and giggled. Neither one said anything but just continued what they were doing, leaving Zac to contemplate on his recent rise to fame.

"I'm serious here," he said after a minute lapsed and neither girls spoke to him.

Lizzie took pity on him and pushed herself up to a sitting position. Tucking her feet underneath her, she rested her elbows on her knees and pushed her sunglasses to rest on her head.

"Why do you want to buy new clothes?" she questioned and like what Megan did a while ago, she too gave his attire today a quick cursory look before adding, "I see no problem with what you're wearing right now or this past few days."

"Other kids are giving me weird looks," he admitted.


Zac suddenly looked and felt uneasy being interrogated the way Lizzie was interrogating him now. All he wanted was to blend-in with the other kids in school and not become the sore thumb that sticks out all the time. Part of the reason why he chose to attend a public school for his final year was because he wanted to observe how public school kids differ from ivy leaguers like himself. No, wait, correction he was a former ivy league student.

"Let's just say I've had it standing out in school. For once I just want to blend-in and be one of the regular kids," he replied.

TEL ME AGAIN WHY WE'RE HERE?" MEGAN ASKED WHILE FLIPPING through men's shirt hanging on a rack inside Walmart.

"Because Zac wants to 'blend-in' as opposed to stand-out," answered Lizzie who was doing the same thing her friend was doing on the rack across from where Megan was.

"I have my reasons, ladies," Zac butted-in to the two girls' conversation.

"And they are?" Lizzie demanded.

Zac paused from looking for a pair of jeans and met Lizzie's gaze. "I'll keep them to myself for now," he replied.

Megan stopped searching for a shirt that she can picture Zac wearing and cocked an eyebrow when she heard his answer.

"No-uh, that answer won't work," she shook her head and even wriggled her index finger from side to side at him. "We're trying to give you a fashion overhaul here and you're not sharing with us why we have to help you shop for new clothes that will help you 'blend-in' with the other kids. We deserve at least one reason why."

Zac took a deep breath then slowly blew it out. He knew he'd have to explain to them why he wanted to drastically change his current status in school, but he wasn't quite prepared to do that today - right now - just yet.

"I'll explain why later," he bargained with them.

Lizzie and Megan removed their hands from the clothes on their respective racks and crossed their arms over their chests. The glare they were giving him could slice him twice-over. They were trying to intimidate him to submission, and if he had been a weaker person he would've caved right there and then.

He held up his hands and backed away from the rack he was checking out.

"If you two think you can scare me with those glares, you two have another think coming," he taunted.

"You're being unfair," Megan accused.

"I know." No sense denying what was obvious. "I promise I'll tell you guys the reason later."

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Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter. I tried to expand more on the scene(s) for this chapter, but my muse kept on telling me to cut it short and just work on the next chapter. I hope the story's pacing is just fine. Thanks for reading, commenting & voting. If you like this story enough (so far) then leave your mark & vote for it too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2010 ⏰

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