I'll Never Change Ft. Chresanto August

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~Dakota's P.O.V.~

I watched the rain as the rain fell outside the car window.

The Rain had a way of splatting wildly on that really annoyed me when everytime I take a look at the window.

I leaned on the window because the drive was taking forever to get to. All My life I knew something like this would happen to me.

"You okay lil one?  "

My concentration from my thoughts and the pitter patters of the rain were broken from my brothers words.

You may be wondering why my parents are not here in the car with us.

Where can I begin?

My Mother.... Well She Was A Drug Addict.

When She Had Me She really Didn't want me. It was l was her worst enemy because me being on her shoulder slowed her down when she did what she did best.

I Was about Three, I heard Yelling and screaming coming From My Parents Bedroom. So Listen from outside the door.

Erica,  You Gotta Stop this! We Have Two Beautiful Children and they're Getting older!  You Have To Stop this! My Father Julian Screamed on the top of his lungs to my mother.

No YOU have two kids ! they are just in my way.I heard My Mother Pick up something From The Dresser.

Don't Say That Erica!

Maybe I should kill them both, Make my life Easier. Instantly I Knew I wasn't not safe.....

My Thoughts Were Interrupted When My Brother Was Calling My Name.

"DAKOTA! "He knitted His Eyebrows At me. You Didn't hear me?"

I Looked At Him, blinking Rapidly. "S-Sorry Bryce.  I was In A Daze and in Deep Thought."

"What were you Thinking About then Lil' Ko". Bryce Began to Pull Into Our New Homes Driveway.

Life...My life..Our Life...Fuck Life

Bryce Turned To Me & Looked at me Like he wanted to say something. But Unfortunately, Nothing Left his mouth.

He Opened the car door, And stuck his foot out."Go Check out the house." He Unlocked All Car doors so that it'll open my door.

"You Gonna Help me with these bags right?  Because I'm only getting my stuff."

I opened my door and sucked my teeth. "Bryce you can get my bags,  damn big ugly."

And With that, I got out & closed the door, walking to the door of our New Home.

I'll Never Change Ft. Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now