Rejected? Used to be

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Alright so I made a few changes to the story and here is chapter 1 I would like at least one vote (or more) and then ill upload again thanks! And let me know what you think!

  Picture of bailey on the side!            

Chapter 1

I awake with a start and sigh it’s just another dream Ba just another dream I try to close my eyes without replaying the dream in my head while trying to get comfortable but it’s useless there is no point I look at the clock on my bedside table, 4:30 well better get a move on I try to gently pull the covers off myself and try and heave my stiff and sore body off the bed it’s no use no matter how careful or slow I am the beating I got last night won’t be helped.

I finally manage to get up out of the bed and slowly hobble my way into my bathroom I turn the hot water on and wait for a few minutes for it to turn warm while carefully stripping out of my clothes I feel the water hopping it is hot enough to relax my sore muscles but it’s not even warm in the slightest I guess Tommy didn’t pay the bill yet again I sigh and step into the freezing cold water and think to myself why am I so worthless?

“Bailey! Hurry up and get your fat ungrateful ass to school if you’re not out of this house by the time I get out of the shower then I swear to fucking god you will regret it!” screamed Tommy

With that said I ran out of the shower, my sore and tired body the last of my concern. I look at the clock it says its 5:06, I run into my closest which isn’t much just a hole in the wall and throw on black jeans and a black shirt grab my beat up shoes and throw my hair up shove my feet into the shoes and grab my backpack and black hoodie hanging with my back pack and run out of the house.

I begin my 20 minute walk to school realizing that I’ll be at school two hours before anyone else.

I guess I should tell you about myself right? Well my name is Bailey Marie Conner’s, I have black raven hair and green eyes with specks of gold in them if you look close enough my uncle says that I’m fat but when I look in the mirror at myself I can’t see my ribs either I’m neither fat nor toothpick skinny I don’t define myself as pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy any of those are obscured  to think of worthless, ugly, disgusting, freak, those however are what I tell myself I am and that man that was yelling earlier in my story is supposed to be my loving guardian, yeah right!.

Tommy Ryan Conner’s is my uncle and my legal guardian he took custody over me after my parents Emily and James Conner were killed in a car accident they were hit straight on by a drunk driver on their way to pick up my uncles fiancé Julie too bad they never got to.

After their death my uncle immediately took me under his wing and said that Julie and he would help and protect me, shortly after that Julie took off one night with nothing left behind except for a note witch only contained six words,

‘I’m sorry, have a nice life’

When Tommy found the note was the first time that he hit me I had found him weeping on the sofa so I went to help next thing I knew I was laying on the floor with a hand pressed to my stinging cheek while he left I laid on the floor and cried never before had I been hit.

That was 4 years ago I am now 16 and the beatings didn’t stop after that night it only got worse some nights he wouldn’t do anything just stagger up to his room and pass out until morning , those nights were my favorite and the nights were I actually got to sleep without any pain and then there were nights where he would come home with a sick twisted half smile on his face that had fear in my eyes the moment I saw him, those nights I didn’t get any sleep those nights I only got pain.

I finally made it to my own personal  hell, I go to a school called the wild wolfs,  today wouldn’t be different then the rest everyone avoided me like the plague and I was actually fine with that no friends means no one to ask questions.

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