.15. Allons-y

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"No, Gramps, but, don't you see?" Donna gestured empathically, green eyes vivid and full of sparkling energy. "He needs me. He's complete rubbish on his own!"

"Donna. Child." Wilf opened his arms as if inviting her to a hug. Oh, he wanted to hug her. Again. And again. And a million times more. If it was up to him, he'd never let her out of his arms.

He's a man who brought you back home asleep and pale, and burnt-out, and half-dead. He's a man who erased your memories – twice! He's a man who walked away into the rain, and for whom I had felt so sorry; but only until your nightmares begun. He's the man who didn't come for you when you were bleeding and dying. He's a man who abandoned you!

"I don't think it's such a good idea." He couldn't say everything he wanted to say, so he just shook his head. "You should stay with us for a while."

"Gramps..." She was surprised now. She shot him an uncertain look. "I want to go."

"But... your mother..." Oh, that was weak. How would he ever stop Donna by mentioning Sylvia? "I want you to stay," he finished.

"I thought you wanted me to be happy," Donna said quietly.

I want you to be alive. Not carried away by a tall man in a soldier's coat, and transported to another town, to an underground base, to be observed and tested, and finally lulled to sleep by cold liquid pumping into your veins. I want my bright, funny, lovely Donna; my far-from-skinny Donna; my cheeky, loudmouth, silly Donna; and not this slender, pale, smart and decisive girl who's talking to me now. I want my Donna back!

"I want you to be happy," Wilf said. "But I also want you to be safe."

"But I am safe. Don't you see? I'm quite capable of keeping myself safe."

Not a single day with him are you safe. Each new morning brings a new mortal danger. Oh, the tears you've cried. The pain you've gone through. The fear you've chased away by a shrug and a joke. The stories you've told me, when you still could remember enough to tell stories. You are a soldier with him, Donna. You fight and you run, but I know for a fact, that the bravest of soldiers do die on the frontline. They fight and they die.

"At least stay until you feel well."

"I am well. Never better. Oh, Gramps, he promised me a beach. And this time I'm gonna hold him to his word. He said a beach and the beach it will be!"


"Well, all right." She sighed, rolling her eyes. "I'll stay for the weekend. Is that all right? Can he come?"


"Yes. Of course. Can't you stay longer?"

Donna reached out and touched Wilf's hand; gently, with much love.

"If you ask me again to stay, I'll stay, Gramps," she said seriously. "You know that. But I need to go. It is all somewhere there, all the worlds, all the wonders. You used to understand. You still do. The stars... Gramps, I can touch them. I want to touch them again. I can't remember what he remembers anymore, but I have this feeling... The stars – they are in my blood now, just as they are in yours. You've heard them singing all your life. When I was deaf, you heard them. Now I can hear them as well. I just can't turn away from them. I can't."

I'm losing you. God, I'm losing my dearest granddaughter.

"I understand, Donna."

"Thank you! Thank you, Gramps!" She leaned suddenly and kissed him on the cheek. "Love you!"

And off she was – slim and girlish in her pale blue jeans and a printed top she got from Gwen Cooper, red hair flying wild, eyes flaming with happiness. Wilfred Mott sighed and then slowly raised his hand to the cheek. Donna's kiss burned. Wilf tried not to cry.

"Just a weekend!" He heard Donna's voice from the corridor. "It's not domestic; it's just a couple of days! And then – the beach! Well, stop pulling faces, Martian; I think I really deserve it this time. After all, I saved the universe. All of them. I think I deserve something in return!"

Yes, and it certainly isn't an ice coffin in a bleak, underground crypt of the Torchwood's Hub. If only universes were known for paying their debts. If only the world was fair. Oh, Donna, please, be careful!

The Doctor was grumbling quietly.

"Now, come on, Doctor," Donna insisted. "I fell like I've slept for ages! Well, I've slept for ages, haven't I? Can we fly to Chiswick? Can we? Cause Gramps would like to fly. I know he would."

Wilfred smiled. Oh, he wanted it, all right. All the anger, all the fear, all the premonitions in the world wouldn't stop him from jumping on board this wonderful blue box of the Doctor's. Even if it was just for a flight home. He'd stand there, in the open door, and wave at the Earth, just as Donna had done, so long ago.

"Ooooh... all right then," the Doctor's voice murmured. "Just this once."

"Brilliant!" Donna exclaimed. "Let's go, then! Allons, magne-toi!1"

The Doctor gasped. "What did you just say?"

"Isn't it what you're always saying?" Donna asked, surprised. "Allo-allo? Or something?"


1) Allons, magne-toi – French – Now, then, look sharp, get a move on !


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