Chapter 3

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"Turles?" Ara nearly squeaked out as she was pulled close to the captain's chest by one of his arms curled around her waist. "Is this really necessary? I don't think..."

"Yes, Ara. You need to know." Turles adjusted her arms so that her left hand was resting on his right arm while his left hand was holding her right. "This will be a formal event, and I'd rather you be prepared just in case you are asked to dance."

"But..." The small woman looked nervous despite the blush on her face. She tightened her hold on the saiyan male at the thought of a stranger coming too close to her. Even after four months of being around the crew regularly she didn't like others coming to close to her, let alone touching her. 

"Don't worry. I'll do my best to make sure you only dance with me." The alpha leaned down to kiss her forehead making her cheeks burn brighter. "Now, you've got the hold right. Let's try a few steps now."

Turles led her into a few basic steps into the waltz with Ara's feet resting lightly on his boots. She was dressed in a long sleeve top and black shorts with a dark green wrap around skirt that stopped at her knees. He wanted her to get the feel of the dance before she tired to do it on her own two feet, and it wasn't like she was heavy. Her eyes kept darting down to watch their feet before the alpha stopped.

"Please stop watching your feet, Ara." He lightly requested making sure the words didn't sound like an order, something he was paying very careful attention to ever since her magic acted on its own. "You need to look in your partner's eyes during the dance, make a connection with them. It's considered bad manners to look away for too long."

His tail unwound from his waist to press a button on the sound system on the bench. Turles wanted to practice in the garden, thinking that the scenery would make the arzu feel more relaxed than she would indoors.

Once the sound of a slow and soft tune came over the speakers, Turles started to move while keeping his eyes locked with Ara's. He gazed deeply in her dark eyes seeing flecks of dark blue mixed in with the obsidian. Her eyes reminded him of the night sky, and he wanted to just sink into those beautiful pools.

Ara felt her nerves slowly disappear while they danced, feeling more comfortable as she lost herself in the music and Turles' intense gaze. She found herself trying to get closer to the captain, and her tail fluffed up behind her as it twisted in the air.

"Would you like to try on your own?" Turles asked once they stopped. "You seem to have a good grasp of everything now." Shyly she nodded with a pink blush dusting her cheeks.

Turles had been right. Ara's magic had done something and it resulted in her being more expressive, and....well human. She had expressions before, but it was night and day compared to now. He thought she would light up before when he gave her something or she ate something she liked but it was nothing compared to when she was happy. Now, her whole being would radiate with happiness.

"Ok, when you dance with a partner, the male will always lead. We'll start slow." He slowly shifted so Ara would follow, very much wanting to avoid stepping on her unprotected feet. He considered having her practice in shoes but heels would likely not work very well on the soft ground of the garden.

"That's it." He smiled at Ara doing well. He didn't mind her brief look at their feet so she could watch her first steps on her own. "There you go Ara, now try watching me." She smiled up at him and Turles felt his heart skip a beat.

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