Chapter 3

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Nashs pov-

I knocked on tessas door.

"Tess? You in there?"

"Yeah. Come in." She answered.

I opened the door.

"I have this new medicine to put on your cuts to make them go away" i said smiling.

She was always self concious to wear bikinis (she still did) but she was always scared of her scars.

"Thank you uncle nash" she said smiling taking it from me then hugging me.

"Ill have dad put it on later" she added.

She went back to her homework while i stood there staring at her.

"Tess, you know you can tell me, dad and hayes anything right?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"Mhm" she said not really looking at her.

"Whats wrong? Ever since yesterday youve seemed sad" i asked.

"You guys know you can tell ME anything right?" She asked.

"Yeah of course" i answered.

"Then how come you guys are keeping secrets from me" she asked.


"Brooklyn said shes meeting "uncle matt" so, i asked hayes and he said that i have a lot of uncles i dont know about" she said, her eyes brimming with tears.

I froze. That kids dead.

"Okay. Well heres the full story. Me, dad, uncle hayes, uncle taylor, uncle jacob, uncle shawn and aunt mahogany were all part of this group called magcon with a bunch of other boys. Me and dad got into a fight with the manager, bart. We quit magcon along with hayes and the others that you know. The ones that you dont know got mad at us. We started to become friends with a few of them like matt and jack and jack and others but your dads too scared to bring them into your life until hes sure something like that wont happen again" i said crying and seeing her cry.

I pulled her into my arms and rubbed her back as she rubbed mine.

We cried together for 5 minutes until she said. "Thank you uncle nash. I love you"

"Thank you too tess. And your welcome. I love you so much too" i replied kissing her head.

i walked out closing the door behind me. she was such a smart mature girl.

"Uncle nash?" she yelled through the closed door. i leaned against it.

"Yeah baby girl"

"Can you put the medicine on?" she asked. i smiled to myself.

she trusts me.

"sure babe" i said opening the door. i took her into her and hayes bathroom that they shared.

She hopped up on the counter. she took off her shirt leaving her in a galaxy bra from pink and a pair of dance sweatpants.

I looked at her. "Sorry" she said grabbing her shirt and covering her stomach up.

"NO! i was just thinking your fine tess its okay. im your uncle" i said rubbing her shoulder. i took the medicine and put some on a cotton ball. I dabbed at her stomach at the cuts. she winced.

"Im sorry" i said pulling away.

"No just do it fast" she said holding her breath.

i laughed a little.

She turned around showing me her back. Those were bad. They were bigg deep gashes.

"is it okay if uncle hayes comes in here to help me" i asked her. she nodded.

"Hayes! COME IN HERE" i yelled. Hayes came in. He didnt seem shocked at her in a bra or the bad cuts on her back.

"Whats up?" he said.

i motioned to her cuts. "I know, tess shows me them. i put a and d on them when they hurt her" he said.

"hes a pretty good uncle" tess said laughing.

By the time we were done, cam was home.

"UP HERE" i yelled. cam ran up the stairs. he walked into the bathroom.

"WOAH my daughters cuts are not a reason for u to see her in a bra" he said.

"dad its okay they helped me" tess said.

"Her cuts are getting worse" hayes said.

"How do you know?!" cam asked.

"I put medicine on her when it hurrts her. we are closer than you think" hayes said. "Hayes your amazing" he said.

"My poor baby tess" cam said walking to her.

"turn around honey" he said and she followed. her cuts didnt look good to me but apparently they didnt look good to anyone. she had four slashes in a row. they were the length of her back.

she put her shirt in and turned back around.

"so uncle hayes and uncle nash hooked you up?" cam said picking her up. she was 13 but she was definatly the baby of the family. luckily she wasnt spoiled or a brat.

"You should have never gone through that" cam said. We all walked down stairs,

"thanks guys" she said smiling. cam kissed her cheek and put her back down.

"what do ya'll want for dinner?" cam asked.

"Lets just order pizza" i answered. "sounds good" the kids said running to hayes room to watch a movie.

"Hayes and ash get along amazingly" i said looking for the menu.

"I know, its awesome she can have someone her age who she REALLLY trusts" cam said.

I nodded. "Thanks for helping her bro. Helping us" he said putting his hand out to do our handshake.

When cams wife died, and cam was alone with tess, he didnt have anywhere to live. We took him in and soon enough, bought a house together.

"Bro its no problem." I said handshaking him.

Hayes pov-

We were in tess' room watching frozen. I looked at tess, she was fast asleep.

I turned off the movie and tip toed into my room.

Tess' pov-


"Dad stop!" I yelled. He was going 100 mph down the freeway.

"Shut the fuck up tessa" he said holding a gun to my head. My eyes were filled with tears spilling out as i cried.

"Right heres good cam" uncle nash said. Dad pulled over by a huge rushing river.

Uncle hayes pulled me out of the car and into the rushing water as i hit my head on the rocks. Then dad shot me to make sure i would die


I woke up and gasped. I screamed as loud as i could.

Footsteps rushed into my room. I started crying.

Someone picked me up. I cried even harder.

"Shhh baby its dad" he said. I looked at him and screamed breaking from his grasp.

Finally i fell into someones arms. I looked to see who it was. It was uncle jacob. I clutched onto him and cried. "Shh baby girl its okay" jacob said, one arm around my waist, the other playing with my hair.

I looked at dad who looked heartbroken.

"Im sorry, i just had a bad dream about you, uncle nash and uncle hayes" i said to him.

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