Chapter 2, GBF

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Mrs.Martin hands me my English book before dismissing me with the others. "Elise is it?" The girl I had sat next to asks, catching up with me.

I nod,"Yeah.Um..Yours?"

"Alice Downey. But everyone calls me Ally."

"Nice to meet you." I nod, looking over my schedule. "What do you have next?" She asks, peering over my arm.

"Charles, Science." Ally smirks,"Me too. Come on."

"Wait, where do I put all this stuff?" I ask, holding up my books. "Oh, just put it in your locker."

Locker? Aunt Felicia didn't mention anything about a locker.

"Do you have one yet?"

I hesitantly shake my head. "Well that's fine, here let me see your schedule."

I hand it over,"Ah hah, see? That's your locker number. " She takes me down the hall and turns a metal dial a few times before opening it. "There. You have to put in that combination to open it." I study the small set of numbers and nod before emptying my books into it.

"Now let's go. Charles isn't has lenient on new students."


Every hour after that pretty much went the same. I was introduced to the class, collected my book from the teacher and found a seat. Thank God Ally was in all my classes so far. I don't know what I'd do without her. Everyone looks like they want to choke the life out of me.

The bell rings, signalling the start of lunch. I've become used to the loud bell, starting and ending each class. At my old school we didn't have bells. Or drinking fountains. Or computers. From just this one day I've learned just how poor my town is.

After putting our books on our lockers Ally takes me to the cafeteria for lunch. "I hope your hungry, because our school is notorious for their food." She smiles.

I hear the loud chatter as we approach the cafeteria and become astounded when it stops as soon as we enter the room. "What's their problem?" I whisper.

"This school rarely gets new students. So when there is one, everyone wants to know who."

"Just ignore them. It'll die down." She adds.

"By when? Graduation?"

She chuckles,"Chill, come on I want you to meet my friends."


I follow her to a table and luckily at that point the talking resumed. "Elise, this is Robin and Darson"

My eyes first land on Robin. Her name suits her well for her hair was the colour of a robins breasts. Her eyes a deep chocolate brown. "Hi." She smiles.

I smile weakly back before looking to Darson. He has light brown hair spiked up in a quiff. "Hello!" He squealed, his blue orbs glowing.

Ally chuckles,"Darson's our GBF."

I look to Ally confusedly,"GBF?"

"It means gay best friend." Robin confirms.

Darson looks me up and down,"Well aren't you a doll! Here, you can sit next to me!" I can't help but crack a smile.

"Wow Dar, you made the new girl smile." She gives Darson a high five which I can't help but show a full smile at. "Come on Newbie, let's get some food." She says, walking to the lunch line.

"Just pick what you want." She instructs. I watch her first. She picks up whatever sounds good to her I guess. So I do the same. Once my tray is full we pay for our food and walk back to our table.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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