Return of the Doctor

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After the Medusa Cascade incident, the Doctor decided to travel alone. He visited Victorian England at Christmas and encountered the Cybermen, who he sent back into the Void. Then, at Easter in 2009, he successfully prevented the destruction of Earth. Now, he returns.

On a desolate red planet, the doctor is running. The TARDIS is just within his grasp. Behind the Doctor, is a creature. It was a dark red, it's teeth were like giant razor blades and it had massive talons. It was charging straight at the Doctor. The Doctor reaches the TARDIS and quickly unlocks the door, but the creature is still charging. It smashes into the side of the TARDIS.

The Doctor begins to regain his consciousness. The creature had knocked the TARDIS onto it's side, and the Doctor had fallen against the railing near the console. He quickly pulled out the sonic screwdriver from his pocket, and points it at the console. The TARDIS begins to dematerialise, leaving the planet.

This allows to TARDIS to return to it's normal position, and the Doctor stands up. He places the sonic screwdriver back into his pocket. He pulls the monitor towards himself. "It was a Kravac. Not very intelligent but..." he pauses, and looks around the console remembering that he is alone.

He ran around the console controlling the TARDIS via several different controls. The TARDIS hurtled through time, with the Doctor having to ensure that it stayed on course. Until, at last, the TARDIS landed.

The Doctor headed striaght out of the TARDIS doors. He stepped out of the doors, and shut them immediately. He was in an alleyway, out of sight. He walked down the alleyway, which looked unused as it led to nowhere, towards a busy looking road. Once at the road he looked around, wondering what he should do next.

He crossed over the road and asked a man,"Excuse me, what year is this?"

"Pardon?" he replied.

"What year is it?" repeated the Doctor.

"Yes I heard that bit, but how can you not know what year it is?" he questioned, "You know what, it doesn't matter. It's 2009. Do you want me to tell you the date?"

"No thanks. I better be going," he responded dismissively.

He walked further along the street, and began to observe his surroundings. There were several shops lining the road. Cafe's, a bank, groceries, a bakery and a supermarket. Down a side street was a tall block of flats. Nothing unusual at all. Then, all of a sudden, something inside his pocket began to bleep. He reached inside his pocket and pulled out the device. The device was about the size of a mobile phone, it had a green flashing light, the wires inside were all visible and it had a sensor that was attached to the end.

"Oh," he said. "Whats up with this?"

He pointed the device in several different directions, until the bleeping became constant. He began running in the direction the device was pointing. He ran further down the road, and turned right down the next road. The Doctor stopped and pointed the device in different directions again, until the bleep became continuous again. It was pointing directly at the block of flats.

He ran across the road, heading towards the flats. Once inside he saw that the lift was out of order, and the device was continuously bleeping when aimed at the ceiling. "Why are the lifts never working?!" he shouted to himself. He had to run up the stairs.

He went up about six floors until the device stopped bleeping when pointed upwards. He spun round and pointed at the door nearest to him, the bleeping became continuous once more. It was just a door, nothing was strange about it. The door itself was pale blue, it had a peephole and a basic postbox. The Doctor walked up to the door cautiously, and knocked the door.

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