Half way into the year

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I hung out with them for half the year. I finally decided to tell them about my step father. We walked out to the recess yard.

My stomach was queasy. I was shivering in nervousness and anticipation of how they might react. I felt as if everything around me was moving slow. I closed my eyes and waited for them at the corner of the chainlink fence.

I opened my eyes and saw them coming towards me. One million things ran into my head at the moment. Don't tell. Tell. They'll tell somebody. They won't tell anybody. Do you trust them. Don't trust them. TELL THEM.

I held my breath as they stood in front of me. "Hey Kenzie" Keiarra said. I faked a smile to stop the tears that formed in my eyes at the memories I was going to tell them.

"G-guys..sit down I have to tell you something I have hid for to long" I said. They looked at me exchanging confused glances. They sat down and I took a deep breath as a lump in my throat formed.

"M-my step father... He...he..r-ra-rapes me"I said, finally letting my tears run down my face. Everyone's face went blank. Keiarra was the first to show any response. Her fists were clenched and she showed rage. This response was new to me, I grew suspicious of this reaction. Was she raped too? I kept this to myself, she would tell us if this happened...right?

Keiarra then wiped her face clean and hugged me. We ended up in group hug. I cried but I felt happy. "You need to tell somebody" Azlee said. My heart shattered. "NOO!!" I said, my face was filled with absolute terror.

In the end they agreed not to tell, not yet at least.

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