Chapter 4

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     After finishing his breakfast prepared by his mother, Marcus kissed his mother on the cheek as he walked out the door to report to the Elder for his duties for the day.  As Marcus walked into the compound's common area, he looked down at where the previous day his neighbor laid lifeless in a pool of his own blood.  There was even still a blood stain on the cold metallic floor.  Today would be the day of Rodrigo's funeral.  Marcus hoped the Elder would let him at least pay his respects before the ceremony.  Once he was done reflecting on the unfortunate events of the previous day, Marcus began walking toward the compound's entrance to the Elder's room.

     Upon reaching the Elder's office, Marcus sat down in a chair in front of the Elder's desk.  Elder Alexander slowly walked in taking his time as he sat down in his chair folding his hands looking at Marcus.

      "Good morning Marcus, I hope you slept well.  It has come to my attention that you would like to go out and see the world past our borders." Elder Alexander stated in his cold tone concentrating his gaze on Marcus.

     "Well sir, it is true that I would like to see what is beyond this small world of ours and see the rest of the world and what is in it.  There is so much out there that the only way I will ever know about it is if I see it for myself.  If we don't expand out into the world, the world will come to us." Marcus exclaimed enthusiastically to the Elder.

     "Marcus, there was a time in life when I had the same aspirations as you.  I ventured out into the world and I saw the atrocities that occur in the lawless wastelands.  The world is a cruel harsh place and full of dangers and evil.  It takes a lot for a man to survive in the wasteland." muttered Elder Alexander in a cold dry tone.

     "You and everyone else know I can handles myself and take care of myself when I need to!  I have proven myself in everyway to be a man and yet you and everyone else won't accept it!  I'm ready to face any dangers out there!" Marcus cried out as he stood up out of his chair with a look of extreme determination looking the Elder in the eyes.

     "That's all I needed to hear Marcus." Alexander turned his chair around facing away from Marcus going through a drawer pulling something out.  Once he turned around, Alexander set a paper and electric pin on the desk in front of Marcus.  "Sign here Marcus, this is your invitation to join the scouting expedition.  You have demonstrated your determination and your ability to survive in the wastes, here is your chance to fulfill your dreams." a smile spread across Alexander's face watching Marcus.

     "Really?....  You're letting me go?" a look of utter shock appeared on Marcus's face as he sat back down looking at the paper.

     "Yes, really Marcus.  I believe you are ready and capable of being a major asset to this mission." Alexander replied with a small face on his face.

     "Of course I will go!  Thank you so much Elder!" Marcus answered showing his enthusiasm in his voice.  He signed the paper quickly and shook the Elder's hand as he stood up.

     "No need to thank me, Forest Town thanks you.  You are performing a great service to this community.  Now go and attend Rodrigo's funeral." Alexander got up watching as Marcus left the room.

     Marcus hurried over to the incinerator room where funerals were head.  Reaching the metal bed, Marcus kissed the tip of his fingers and touched Rodrigo's forehead as was custom of paying respect for the dead.  After this, Marcus made his way to wear his family was sitting and sat down next to his father, Robert.  Marcus sat through the service remembering how his neighbor was murdered in cold blood.

     Rodrigo, I promise to make a difference in the world.  The world will change. Marcus thought to himself as he sat there.  This promise would change how Marcus viewed the world and how he dealt with people.

     After the funeral, Marcus watched as they poured his ashes into a jar and buried the remains in the burial grounds above the compound.  Marcus followed the procession as was custom of his town. 

     Upon reentering the compound, Marcus made his way back home and went to bed to prepare for his trip into the harsh wastelands.  He was going to need his rest to make it in the hard world.  Marcus fell asleep dreaming about what he would see in the world outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2012 ⏰

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