Scheming Deamon

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After hear what Severo thought of me I cried for a bit then I put things into perspective. I didn't put myself through all that rigours training to be held captive by him. Yes, he gave me the option to leave but he knew I'd never leave here without my child. The bastard thinks he has me cuckold to him. Obviously he doesn't really know this new me well.

A few day's had passed since our confrontation and thankfully there hasn't been any night time visits. Yes, I know I accused him of rape but he was right, I did want it. Even though I was saying no my body was saying yes. I believe I'm madder at myself for relenting so easily. That and the fact that he saw me as his whore cut to the bone. I guess I would feel better had our sex had a little emotion attached to it.

It didn't take me long to come up with a plan to get me and my child out of here. Since I've been reunited with Aden and moved into Severo's private quarter's, I have more free reign of the house. I convinced Severo that Aden needs daily lessons so Severo hired the best teacher he could find. Duiring Aden's lessons I usually laid out by the pool relaxing and that's where my plan came to fruition.

Maxes was one of Severo's men and I always caught him ogling me as I sunbathed. Today I decided to test the water's and see just how loyal he was to Severo, see if a bit of heavy flirting and promises could win him over. Yes, I detest acting like a dimwit bimbo but if it got me and my son out of here so be it.

I saw Maxes lurking in the shadows watching me. Instantly I was grossed out at his creeper ways but it was now or never. Standing up in my skimpy bikini I sashayed over to him. "Hi Maxes. I was wondering if you could rub some sunscreen on my back?"

He seemed nervous and scanned the area I assume searching for Severo. "It's okay. Severo won't mind, besides he's knee deep in paperwork today".

Relaxing a bit he took the lotion from my hand. I turned around giving him full access to my back. Taking my arm's, I pulled my hair up very seductively. "Ummmm". I moaned very throaty as his hand rubbed the lotion into my warm skin. "That feels so good Maxes". I cooed.

A few minutes later he was done. I turned to him flashing a big smile. "Thanks. Your such a doll for doing that".

"It was my pleasure Miss Tanner".

"Oh no honey, call me Avery".

"Okay Avery".

I decided to get this show on the road. The sooner I knew where he stood the sooner I could fulfill my plan. "So, do you have a girlfriend, wife maybe?"

"No neither".

Acting surprised I said. "What? You've got to be kidding me. Your so handsome I can't understand why no one has snagged you up".

Maxes blushed and mumbled. "I don't have much time working for Severo".

"That's ashame. Bad Severo for not giving his men more breaks and time off". I said in a pouty voice.

"Yea, he can be a dick at time's". Maxes concluded.

And I had my answer. Doesn't seem like Maxes is to thrilled with his boss. Time to go in for the kill. Looking all sad I spoke softly. "Yes, I know just how cruel Mr. Marettia can be, I experience first hand everyday".

And.... He took the bait. He gently rubbed my arm. "I'm sorry Avery. I can't understand why any man would be so cruel to such a beautiful lady".

"It's okay. It's not your fault. I just, I just wish I could get me and my son out of here".

"I can help you Avery".

I looked up portraying a shocked expression. "I couldn't ask that of you, you sweet man".

"It's no problem Avery. However if I do you have to agree to go out on a date with me".

Suddenly Severo's word's came at me full force. "Your just a whore". Well I might as well act it to get what I need. Leaning on my tip toes, I gave Maxes a heated kiss. "You'll never know how greatful I am if you do this. But how?"

Maxes smiled. "The household will be asleep by two in the morning. I can come and go as I please. Get the boy and sneak down to the back entrance. I'll park my car, which is a black escalade near the door. You can easily slip in from there".

"Do you think this will work?" I asked unsure.

"Like a charm hotness".

We exchanged numbers in case something failed and I kissed him hard one last time before returning to my lounge chair. Even if it didn't work it was worth the try.

After dinner that night I acted as if I wasn't feeling well which was partly true. My nerves was a mess. I kept thinking of all the ways this could go wrong but I had to at least try. Once in my room I put Aden down to sleep and packed a lite bag with a few clothes for the both of us. I had no idea where I'd go but I did know as soon as I got to where I was going I was ditching Maxes.

Two in the morning slipped up quickly. Without waking Aden, I hefted him up into my arm's and grabbed my bag. Peeking out the door I saw that the coast was clear. My only obstacle was the man that guarded Severo's private quarter's. I managed to get by him by saying Aden wasn't well and I needed to make him some soup. Thankfully he bought it. Moments later I was at the back door and just like Maxes promised his car was waiting. I could see him behind the wheel waiting. Checking for the guard's I picked the best time to run to the car. Hurriedly, I shoved Aden in the backseat followed by myself. "Let's get out of here" I said breathless.

Maxes didn't move or speak. "Hey". I called. "Step on it"

Suddenly the backdoor slung open and two of Severo's men jerked Aden from my grasp and fled inside. Then the driver turned to face me and it was none other than Severo. That bastard Maxes set me up. As if he was reading my thoughts he spoke. "No, he didn't set you up princess, he was going to take you away but you see I know everything. I seen it all sunshine. From you allowing him to rub lotion on you to kissing the disgusting bastard. Rest assured, he's paying for it as we speak. You should know by now that no one betrays me and gets by with it".

"You bastard. Just let us go. Why do you continue to keep us here?"

"Aden is my son and I will raise him. As for you, your just an annoyance that comes along with my son. You know I will need to punish you for this right?"

"Fuck you. I'm not some child you can command."

I jumped from the car and yelled. "This time I'm going to the police and tell them all I know unlike last time. If I'm being accused for it I might as well do it. But this time I will be smart enough to tell them about the cop's and politicians on your payroll. I'll make sure you'll never get out this time".

I took off running like mad and made it just outside the gate when I heard a car racing up behind me. I got off the road and took off into the dessert but the car continued to follow me. The headlights was bearing down on me getting closer. Tears of panic ran down my face as I ran. Was this it? Was the bastard going to mow me down with his car?

My legs were starting to cramp from running in the thick sand. Fuck if he was going to run me over why hasn't he already. Taking a moment to look over my shoulder as I ran, I saw that the car was only five feet from me. The bastard is playing with me, enjoying seeing me run for my life. As I turned around i collided with a rather large rock and tumbled to the ground. My knees were scraped and my ankle hurt like fire. I obviously twisted it during my fall.

That was the least of my worries though. Severo stepped from the vehicle and I tried to get up but my ankle wouldn't allow me to. Severo walked closer and suddenly stopped. He pulled his gun out and aimed toward me. "Don't fucking move Avery. This will be so much easier if you don't fucking move".

Before I could respond he pulled the trigger, I released a horror movie scream and that was it.

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