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Stuart Pot wasn't much of a party animal, he would rather have his daily beers at home but every now and again he would leave his house. Sometimes to the local bar or somewhere that was more decent. Often it was just the bar since it was cheaper. 2D wasn't the richest person.

The nights he would go to the bar it would start with the same things. Avoiding Paula, talking to friends and hopefully lucky enough for a lovely lady to come home with him. It wasn't always like that though, Paula would notice, friends wouldn't come or he would scare the lovely lady away. He was a guy with blue hair and eight-ball fractures with both eyes. He hated those nights the most when Paula would notice him. All the begging to take her back and the kisses annoyed him to the limit. He didn't love Paula anymore and it took him a long time to get through the heart break, let alone out of loving her. It took enough years for him to get over her after all she had done. 2D did have someone else who had stolen his heart though but sadly he couldn't have her, she was a little sister to him and she had also died. Noodle was more then ten years younger then him too. He knew he couldn't be with her. It hurt sometimes when she popped into his head. No matter if she was a little girl or the teen he last saw her as. He wondered how she would look now since she would be older. He could only imagine what she looked like now but he couldn't think of her looking older then a sixteen year old girl. God did he feel like a pedo with these thoughts.

The bar seemed to be fuller then ever, the music was mainly supported by a guitar. Stuart thought he had heard a guitar being played like that before but didn't act apon it. No one could beat Noodle. He walked through the crowd and got his first drink and tried to watch the person who was playing. There was too many people for him to see who it was and the person seemed to be too small for anyone to see them. That was disappointing but it didn't stop Stuart from having a few drinks. Whenever Paula might have noticed he would move into the crowd so she wouldn't notice him. He felt like he was smart whenever he did that.

Stuart never made it through the crowd enough to see the short person who was playing the music. He hummed to some of the songs he knew the tune to and somehow the beat sounded so familiar to him. He could sing the songs word for word. It was strange for him to know so many words to a song which sounded so familiar to him. Why couldn't he put a finger on where he had heard the song before.

It was a few hours after when the bar started to close and people started to leave. Stuart would always wait until he knew Paula was gone and most the time that when when the bar was almost empty. He whistled while he waited before hearing a voice which was also familiar. Why was suddenly things he use to know appear? A Japanese accent and voice he knew before it went quiet. He turned to look over his shoulder before he noticed a female with black hair. "Noodle!" He called out and quickly ran to the door to catch up with her. He saw her, he did. She wasn't dead.
"Noodle!" He yelled out and ran out the door. He felt hurt when he got outside. Suddenly she wasn't their. She disappeared into thin air. "Noodle..." He mumbled before looking at the ground and turned around to make his way home.

Stuart knew he was now crazy.

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