Chapter Two

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"Okay, everyone on the mats" I had said as I clapped my hands. Children came running inside and sat on the mats. I have 23 students in my class and I'll tell you something for nothing, they are insane. They are all so happy and full of energy but at the same time so eager to learn and are so helpful. "So today is a special day, can anyone tell me why?"

I see little hands shoot up in the air. "Anna."

"Is it your birthday Miss Taylor?"

I laugh "No it's not my birthday, does anyone else have a guess? . . . Charlie"

"It's Friday"

"it is Friday, but it is also the last Friday of the Month and that means games day!"

"Yay!" They all cheered.

"But first we must mark the roll, todays question is, if you could be any animal what would you be?" I want every part of School to be fun, from the first moment they walk in to the moment the walk out. I have this thing I have called 'Roll Question'. Instead of saying 'hear' they answer the question. They all give me their answers and they are things like, bird, fish, lion, bear. But when I get to Mason.

"I am a wolf Miss Taylor." Mason says confidently. He is known for making little comments like that, he does love wolves. He sometime says things that don't make sense, even for a 6-year-old. I just smile and start the games. We play games like duck duck goose, board games, finger painting, anything they want.

Like I said kids have so much energy, especially Mason, when we were all playing outside I never saw him slow down, he was running and jumping and climbing all over the place.

"Maddison," I heard my name being called, I turned around and it was the principal, Mr James Kenz.

"James, what can I do for you?"

"Well you have only just started with us, so I was hoping you could fill out a progress report for your students," he handed me a stack of papers and walked away not before saying, "I need those back at the end of next month."

I looked over the first stapled pages, 4 pages for each child, assessing their English, Math, Grammar, everything, including behaviour and effort, plus I must conduct Parent teacher interviews for each student. This will take some time. I call all the students back in for indoor activities, so I can start preparations for the interviews. By the end of the day the children are ready for bit of down time, so I sit them all on the mats and we talked about our day, the kids tell everyone what they enjoyed about today.

"Okay, so today I have a letter that you all must give to your parents so on your way out today I want you all to get one and take it home okay," I hear I chorus of yes and okay. I smile just as the bell rings, "Everybody stand up and line up at the door."

One by one children take the note and leave the room and I am left to clean up the mess left behind. Whipping all the tables and chairs and picking up all the paper and packing all the paint and glue away it is finally time for me to head home.

I walk out and see something strange, a bag is still in the lockers, I look out and see Mason sitting on one of the benches alone. I walk over and sit down beside him.

"Mason honey who is picking you up today?" I ask while try and see if any car is coming.

"I don't know, dad said he would try and be here today, but he never is," Mason said with a pout on his lips.

"How about I take you home, would that be okay?" he just nodded and wen to get his bag, "do you know where you live?"

"I know how to get there," he took off running towards the car park. I unlocked my car and he jumped in the back seat and strapped himself in. We took off down the road and we talked about all his favourite things, he likes wolves and camping and he says he has a big house, so he can run around all the time. He would stop in between words to tell me where to go.

We pulled up to a massive house that was surrounded by woods, it was breathe taking. I got out of the car to let Mason out. He jumped out with his bag, I turned around and saw the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life standing at the door. Dark hair and dark eyes, strong jaw, huge muscles that can clearly be seen through his dress shirt and blazer.

"That's my dad," Mason suddenly said drawing me out of the trance. We begin to walk up to the door and I feel my heart beating faster with each step.

"Mason who is this lovely lady?" Mr Zeon speaks, his voice is so deep it makes my legs feel like jelly.

"This is Miss Taylor, my teacher," Mason said cheerfully. He ran inside and through his bad on the floor.

"Mason," he looked up at me as I raised an eyebrow, "is there something you are forgetting?" he looked at me with an inquisitive look on his face. I flicked my eyes over to his bag. "the note."

"Oh yeah," he shouted and ran to his bag and pulled out the already crimpled note then gave it to his father. Mr Zeon studied it for a bit while I watched Mason try and make himself something to eat.  I started walking away backward and clapped my hands gaining Mr Zeon's attention.

"I best be going, things to do," I stumbled down the steps a little, he stepped forward grapping my wrist to steady me. The feeling I got from the smallest of touches was incredible, he looked into my eyes and smiled.

"I'll be seeing you again," his voice was melting, and his gaze was warming. "Because of the interview," he laughed at the look on my face.

"Oh right, well just give me a call, or the school a call and they will tell me what time is okay with you Mr Zeon," I spoke a little too quickly, he just laughed again.

"Call me Hunter," he smiled while leaning against the door frame. I nodded my head and smiled back, once I got in my car I looked bac at him still staring at me with his big brown soulful eyes. I drove away but I couldn't get him out of my head. The way is muscled bulged through his shirt, the way his hair was the perfect combination of styled and messy but mostly, the way his eyes started into mine with such desire and drive that it made me weak at the knees. I don't know what I am mean to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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