Chapter One

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The last box finally unpacked, and the house furbished and decorated. The livingroom is soft and inviting, perfect for curling up on the couch and falling asleep watching Netflix. The kitchen is modern and sleek, just what is needed for Sunday bake day. The stairs are grand, so that's where the family photos will be hung. The bathroom was luxurious, spar bath, double shower, his and hers sinks, just think of the bubbles. The bedroom is fit for a queen, the bed is massive, the wardrobe is spacious. The rest of the house is, well, practical. The perfect combination to come home to after a day of teaching a 6 to 7 age group.

Today has been a long day and all I want is to come home and sleep, but unfortunately, I must make lesson plans. I have been teaching at West Field Elementary for 3 weeks and I must do a lesson plan, so I dint get over run by all my students. It is going to be tough, but I do love it.

I haven't had much time to myself these past month as I have had paper work for my new house and transfer papers for this new job, I'm a 3rd year teacher and I was in a contact with my previous school for the 3 years so there was a lot of legal hoops to jump through, along with the fact that most of my stuff took weeks to get her and when it did arrive some of it was missing and some wasn't even mine. Got to love moving.

At my pervious school, there was a lot of fathers that thought just because I was of the legal age that I would just want to jump straight into bed with them. What made it even worse is the fact that some of them where married. The school was small and only held about 10 to 15 students per class, this new school holds 20 to 25. Smaller classes made it easier to get to know each student as an individual, but a larger class is means more activities I can participate in. It's not easy being a teacher with all the deadlines and the parents wanting their child to be the best and do everything and if you don't give the parents what then they go the board and make us do it whether we want to or not.

It's not just the school that is different, it is the people in this city that are different too. The people back in my home town are rude, inappropriate and judgemental. They will judge you for the way you dress and then judge you if you dare change yourself to 'please' them. They will be lovely to your face and say unkind and nasty things behind your back. They will walk up to you at the supermarket and openly talk about how attractive they think you are, or to use their terms, hot, sexy and the worst of all, bangable. The people in LA are a lot kinder for the most part. There is the odd sex crazed teen or even young adult that will give you a look or even a little comment about your looks but nothing to the degree I'm used to.

In the short time, I have been her in LA I have made so many new friends, other teachers from school and the odd stranger I met on the street, they aren't strangers anymore. I have been on more coffee dates in my time here than I ever did back in Texas. It's amazing to thin that in 6 months I have changed so much, from the way I look at drinking to the way I wake up. I no longer think that dinking is for alcoholics but as a means some people take to socialise. Instead of waking up and dreading the morning ahead because of the fathers of some students I look forward to meeting any new parent that I have yet to meet.

I have met most of the parents here, there is still two or three that I have yet to meet. I have met all but MR Johnson, the father of the sweetest little girl, her mum always drops her off and when I ask where her father is MRS Johnson always says he is working away, I asked he does work for a big company and he must spend a lot of time away.

Then there is one couple I have never met before and that is the Zeon's, their son Mason is just adorable, he has curly brown hair and big chocolate brown eyes, he always walks in alone for with who I assume is a sitter. I asked about his parents and the response I got was 'you don't want to meet him' and 'he isn't a nice man'. Nothing was said about the mother. Maybe she isn't in the picture anymore, I wonder what had happened, maybe there was an accident or maybe they just split. It is none of my business anyway.

I sit at the dining table and mark some homework.

Makenzie Arden
Matthew Blake

Mason Zeon  

I don't even know what to write in the comment section, he is a very smart kid, but he has a lot of energy. If he maybe had some tutoring he may be able to get all As, but he can't sit still for very long, he must be moving. I will have to talk about this with Mr Zeon in the interview.

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