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Two teenagers dressed in black stood beside the fresh grave of their two friends listening as the vicar addressed the group of mourners who had known the two deceased teenagers in some way. The sun was lighting the graveyard in a soft yellow glow while the vicar spoke

"Ashes to ashes dust to dust"

Rumble rumble, the sound of thunder could be faintly heard breaking through the peaceful atmosphere that had fallen over the mourners. The weather had started to turn.

The two teens felt something splash against their faces while the vicar spoke and looked up slowly towards the sky clouds had appeared and the once clear sunny day was disappearing and being replaced by rain, the vicar and the other mourners ran off probably to the little church located in the graveyard not too far from where they were stood by the graves to finish the ceremony leaving the two teens by themselves. They slowly turned to one another and gripped each other's hand before turning their attention back to the sky as the rain ran down their faces soaking their hair and funeral attire smiling, for some reason they believed the rain was a sign from their two dead friends somehow letting them know that they were finally happy where they were now, gripping each other's hand the two teens knew that they're friends were happy in death and finally since receiving the news of their death the two teens could say they were okay.

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