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Mina kept her head done, the rest of the week dragged on lethargically as Mina struggled to focus, her responsibilities blurring and ebbing into one fuzzy and overwhelming mass of thoughts and worry in her mind, heavy, weighted, her neck aching to keep her head up.

She avoided the halls at lunchtime , keen to stay out of the center of school and minimize the chances of Penny catching her. She studied in the library, hold herself up in practice rooms or took solace under a tree in the courtyard.

Her work hours varied each week and come Friday, she had the afternoon off and she knew the most sensible thing to do would be to go home, study, eat and get to bed early, her body sluggish, lacking rest.

But she didn't want to be stuck at home, she wanted to wander, and so, she found herself at the back of a bus, heading the opposite direction to the suburbs and heading straight for the center of the city.

She walked aimlessly down the busy streets, the sounds of orchestra filling her ears,listening to her music as she watched people stream around her, her hurried feet matching the keys of the piano, their chatter matching the tempo, laughs mixing with the melodies.

She ducked into a few art shops, buying a new poster to put in her bedroom, picking a painting which depicted scene of two lovers lounging by a lake, partially shaded by a tree, their skin bathed in fragments of light, looking out at the water, azure and lush greens and something about it seemed otherworldly and nostalgic to Mina.

She winded down the artisan's part of the city, stalls and markets set up, hotter there, the air trapped in tightly pieced together pieces.

She hovered by a jewelry stand, eyes dancing over the bracelets, the owner tying a pastel rope around her wrist with one clear stone in the middle, telling her it matched the sharpness of her own grey eyes, eyes which she said were honest and sincere, making Mina flush slightly and purchase the bracelet, keeping it on her wrist and admiring the sparkle from the sun as she walked.

She grabbed two plants, a small cactus and crassula, she liked the idea of being responsible for a living thing, before resting in a park, watching as the afternoon came to a close and the sky faded, dipping into pastels before navy dripped in.

She headed to her favorite noodle bar, the old owner recognizing her immediately, greeting her formally with warm smile which she returned as she headed to her corner, watching people pass and lights turn on as the evening crept in.

Back home she stuck her poster up, set her plants on her bedside table where the light often streamed in, made a dent in the cardboard boxes sitting in her corner, unpacking more belongings she had left,reluctant to bring her old home into her new one but suddenly longing for more comfort in her life as she stuck up more paintings and pictures and filled her desk with trinkets and sentimental treasures. She unwound her fairy lights, looping them over her bed and turning them on, a soft amber light against lilac as she sat on her bed crossed leg, open book in her lap.

A soft knock at her partially open door took her away from her thoughts but she didn't look up, knowing who it was, faintly replying with a low "Come in."

The door creaked open and Sam peeked his head through, offering his sister a smile as she finally looked up.

"Looks nice in here." He commented, noting the changes as he stepped in and Mina nodded in thanks.

"Whats up?" 

"I just wanted to say thank you for not landing me in it with mom and dad, i know it was a dick move and i know you don't like lying to them. So thank you."

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